The chiral transition on a 24^3x10 lattice with N_f=2 clover sea quarks studied by overlap valence quarks

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Overlap fermions are particularly well suited to study the finite temperature dynamics of the chiral symmetry restoration transition of QCD, which might be just an analytic crossover. Using gauge field configurations on a 24^3x10 lattice with N_f=2 flavours of dynamical Wilson-clover quarks generated by the DIK collaboration, we compute the lowest 50 eigenmodes of the overlap Dirac operator and try to locate the transition by fermionic means. We analyse the spectral density, local chirality and localisation properties of the low-lying modes and illustrate the changing topological and (anti-) selfdual structure of the underlying gauge fields across the transition.

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