Pairing Symmetry of CeCoIn$_5$ Detected by In-plane Torque Measurements

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In-plane torque measurements were performed on heavy fermion CeCoIn$_5$ single crystals in the temperature $T$ range 1.8 K $leq T leq 10$ K and applied magnetic field $H$ up to 14 T. The normal-state torque is given by $tau_n propto H^4(1+T/T_K)^{-1}sin 4phi$. The reversible part of the mixed-state torque, obtained after subtracting the corresponding normal state torque, shows also a four-fold symmetry. In addition, sharp peaks are present in the irreversible torque at angles of $pi/$4, 3$pi$/4, 5$pi$/4, 7$pi$/4, etc. Both the four-fold symmetry in the reversible torque and the sharp peaks in the irreversible torque of the mixed state imply $d_{xy}$ symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. The field and temperature dependences of the reversible mixed-state torque provide further evidence for $d_{xy}$ wave symmetry. The four-fold symmetry in the normal state has a different origin since it has different field and temperature dependences than the one in the mixed state. The possible reasons of the normal state four-fold symmetry are discussed.

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