OZI violating eight-quark interactions as a thermometer for chiral transitions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

This work is a follow-up of our recent observation that in the SU(3) flavor limit with vanishing current quark masses the temperature for the chiral transition is substantially reduced by adding eight-quark interactions to the Nambu - Jona-Lasinio Lagrangian with U_A(1) breaking. Here we generalize the case to realistic light and strange quark masses and confirm our prior result. Additionally, we demonstrate that depending on the strength of OZI violating eight-quark interactions, the system undergoes either a rapid crossover or a first order phase transition. The meson mass spectra of the low lying pseudoscalars and scalars at T=0 are not sensitive to the difference in the parameter settings that correspond to these two alternatives, except for the singlet-octet mixing scalar channels, mainly the sigma meson.

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