Improved photometry of SDSS crowded field images: Structure and dark matter content in the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Leo I

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We explore how well crowded field point-source photometry can be accomplished with SDSS data: We present a photometric pipeline based on DoPhot, and tuned for analyzing crowded-field images from the SDSS. Using Monte Carlo simulations we show that the completeness of source extraction is above 80% to i < 21 (AB) and a stellar surface density of about 200 sq.amin. Hence, a specialized data pipeline can efficiently be used for e.g. nearby resolved galaxies in SDSS images, where the standard SDSS photometric package Photo, when applied in normal survey mode, gives poor results. We apply our pipeline to an area of about 3.55sq.deg. around the dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph) Leo I, and construct a high S/N star-count map of Leo I via an optimized filter in color-magnitude space (g,r,i). Although the radial surface-density profile of the dwarf deviates from the best fit empirical King model towards outer radii, we find no evidence for tidal debris out to a stellar surface-density of 4*10^(-3) of the central value. We determine the total luminosity of Leo I, and model its mass using the spherical and isotropic Jeans equation. Assuming that mass follows light we constrain a lower limit of the total mass of the dSph to be (1.7+/-0.2)*10^7 Msol. Contrary, if the mass in Leo I is dominated by a constant density dark-matter (DM) halo, then the mass within the central 12 is (2+/-0.6)*10^8 Msol. This leads to a mass-to-light ratio of >>6 (Ic_sol), and possibly >75 if the DM halo dominates the mass and extends further out than 12. In summary, our results show that Leo I is a symmetric, relaxed and bound system; this supports the idea that Leo I is a dark-matter dominated system.

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