On the Use of Blanketed Atmospheres as Boundary Conditions for Stellar Evolutionary Models

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Stellar models have been computed for stars having [Fe/H] = 0.0 and -2.0 to determine the effects of using boundary conditions derived from the latest MARCS model atmospheres. The latter were fitted to the interior models at both the photosphere and at tau = 100, and at least for the 0.8-1.0 solar mass stars considered here, the resultant evolutionary tracks were found to be nearly independent of the chosen fitting point. Particular care was taken to treat the entire star as consistently as possible; i.e., both the interior and atmosphere codes assumed the same abundances and the same treatment of convection. Tracks were also computed using either the classical gray T(tau,T_eff) relation or that derived by Krishna Swamy (1966) to derive the boundary pressure. The latter predict warmer giant branches (by ~150 K) at solar abundances than those based on gray or MARCS atmospheres, which happens to be in good agreement with the inferred temperatures of giants in the open cluster M67 from the latest (V-K)-T_eff relations. Most of the calculations assumed Z=0.0125 (Asplund et al.), though a few models were computed for Z=0.0165 (Grevesse & Sauval) to determine the dependence of the tracks on Z_odot. Grids of scaled solar, differentially corrected (SDC) atmospheres were also computed to try to improve upon theoretical MARCS models. When they were used as boundary conditions, the resultant tracks agreed very well with those based on a standard scaled-solar (e.g., Krishna Swamy) T(tau,T_eff) relation, independently of the assumed metal abundance. Fits of isochrones to the C-M diagram of the [Fe/H] = -2 globular cluster M68 were examined, as was the possibility that the mixing-length parameter varies with stellar parameters.

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