Supersymmetry and Goldstino-like Mode in Bose-Fermi Mixtures

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Supersymmetry is assumed to be a basic symmetry of the world in many high energy theories, but none of the super partners of any known elementary particle has been observed yet. We argue that supersymmetry can also be realized and studied in ultracold atomic systems with a mixture of bosons and fermions, with properly tuned interactions and single particle dispersion. We further show that in such non-releativistic systems supersymmetry is either spontaneously broken, or explicitly broken by a chemical potential difference between the bosons and fermions. In both cases the system supports a sharp fermionic collective mode or the so-called Goldstino, due to supersymmetry. We also discuss possible ways to detect the Goldstino mode experimentally.

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