Measuring the kinetic power of AGN in the radio mode

الملخص بالإنكليزية

(Abridged) We have studied the relationship among nuclear radio and X-ray power, Bondi rate and the kinetic luminosity of sub-Eddington active galactic nuclear (AGN) jets. Besides the recently discovered correlation between jet kinetic and Bondi power, we show that a clear correlation exists also between Eddington-scaled kinetic power and bolometric luminosity, given by: Log(L_kin/L_Edd)=0.49*Log(L_bol/L_Edd)-0.78. The measured slope suggests that these objects are in a radiatively inefficient accretion mode, and has been used to put stringent constraints on the properties of the accretion flow. We found no statistically significant correlations between Bondi power and bolometric AGN luminosity, apart from that induced by their common dependence on L_kin. Analyzing the relation between kinetic power and radio core luminosity, we are then able to determine, statistically, both the probability distribution of the mean jets Lorentz factor, peaking at Gamma~7, and the intrinsic relation between kinetic and radio core luminosity, that we estimate as: Log(L_kin)=0.81*Log(L_R)+11.9, in good agreement with theoretical predictions of synchrotron jet models. With the aid of these findings, quantitative assessments of kinetic feedback from supermassive black holes in the radio mode will be possible based on accurate determinations of the central engine properties alone. As an example, Sgr A* may follow the correlations of radio mode AGN, based on its observed radiative output and on estimates of the accretion rate both at the Bondi radius and in the inner flow. If this is the case, the SMBH in the Galactic center is the source of ~ 5 times 10^38 ergs/s of mechanical power, equivalent to about 1.5 supernovae every 10^5 years.

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