Positive and negative pressure effects on the magnetic ordering and the Kondo effect in the compound Ce2RhSi3

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The competition between magnetic ordering and the Kondo effect in Ce2RhSi3, ordering antiferromagnetically at 7 K, is investigated by the measurements of magnetization, heat capacity and electrical resistivity on the solid solutions, Ce(2-x)La(x)RhSi3, Ce(2-y)Y(y)RhSi3, and Ce2RhSi(3-z)Ge(z), as well as by high pressure studies on this compound. The trends in the Kondo and Neel temperature variations among these alloys are compared to infer the roles of unit-cell volume and electronic structure changes. On the basis of the results, we infer that this compound lies at the peak of Doniach-magnetic-phase-diagram. The high pressure electrical resistivity data indicate that the quantum critical point for this compound is in the vicinity of 4 GPa.

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