Excitation spectrum of bosons in a finite one-dimensional circular waveguide via the Bethe ansatz

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The exactly solvable Lieb-Liniger model of interacting bosons in one-dimension has attracted renewed interest as current experiments with ultra-cold atoms begin to probe this regime. Here we numerically solve the equations arising from the Bethe ansatz solution for the exact many-body wave function in a finite-size system of up to twenty particles for attractive interactions. We discuss the novel features of the solutions, and how they deviate from the well-known string solutions [H. B. Thacker, Rev. Mod. Phys. textbf{53}, 253 (1981)] at finite densities. We present excited state string solutions in the limit of strong interactions and discuss their physical interpretation, as well as the characteristics of the quantum phase transition that occurs as a function of interaction strength in the mean-field limit. Finally we compare our results to those of exact diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian in a truncated basis. We also present excited state solutions and the excitation spectrum for the repulsive 1D Bose gas on a ring.

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