Molecular Outflows and a Mid-Infrared Census of the Massive Star-Formation Region Associated with IRAS 18507+0121

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We have observed the central region of the IR-dark cloud filament associated with IRAS 18507+0121 at millimeter wavelengths in CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), and C18O(1-0) line emission and with the Spitzer Space Telescope at mid-IR wavelengths. Five massive outflows from two cloud cores were discovered. Three outflows are centered on or near an Ultracompact HII region (G34.4+0.23) while the remaining two outflows originate from the millimeter core G34.4+0.23 MM. Modeling of the SEDs of the mid-IR sources identified 31 young stellar objects in the filament with a combined stellar mass of ~127 +/- 27 Msun. An additional 22 sources were identified as probable cluster members based on the presence of strong 24 micron emission. The total star formation efficiency in the G34.4 cloud filament is estimated to be ~7% while the massive and intermediate mass star formation efficiency in the entire cloud filament is estimated to be roughly 2%. A comparison of the gravitational binding energy with the outflow kinetic energy suggests that the compact core containing G34.4+0.23 MM is being destroyed by its molecular outflows whereas the outflows associated with more massive core surrounding the G34.4 UC HII region are not likely to totally disrupt the cloud. Additionally, a qualitative evaluation of the region appears to suggest that stars in this region may have formed in two stages: first lower mass stars formed and then, a few Myrs later, the more massive stars began to form.

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