Asymptotic freedom and quarks confinement treated through Thompsons approach

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work, we first use Thompsons renormalization group method to treat QCD-vacuum behavior close to the regime of asymptotic freedom. QCD-vacuum behaves effectively like a paramagnetic system of a classical theory in the sense that virtual color charges (gluons) emerge in it as spin effect of a paramagnetic material when a magnetic field aligns their microscopic magnetic dipoles. Making a classical analogy with the paramagnetism of Landaus theory,we are able to introduce a kind of Landau effective action without temperature and phase transition for simply representing QCD-vacuum behavior at higher energies as magnetization of a paramagnetic material in the presence of a magnetic field H. This reasoning allows us to use Thompsons heuristic approach in order to extract an effective susceptibility ($chi>0$) of QCD-vacuum. It depends on logarithmic of energy scale u to investigate hadronic matter. Consequently,we are able to get an effective magnetic permeability ($mu>1$) of such a paramagnetic vacuum. As QCD-vacuum must obey Lorentz invariance,the attainment of $mu>1$ must simply require that the effective electrical permissivity is $epsilon<1$,in such a way that $muepsilon=1$ (c^2=1).This leads to the antiscreening effect, where the asymptotic freedom takes place. On the other hand, quarks cofinement, a subject which is not treatable by perturbative calculations, is worked by the present approach. We apply the method to study this subject in order to obtain the string constant, which is in agreement with the experiments.

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