Spitzer and ground-based infrared observations of the 2006 eruption of RS Ophiuchi

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present Spitzer Space Telescope and complementary ground-based infrared observations of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, obtained over the period 64-111 days after the 2006 eruption. The Spitzer IRS data show a rich emission line spectrum superimposed on a free-free continuum. The presence of fine structure and coronal infrared lines lead us to deduce that there are at least two temperatures (1.5e5K and 9e5K) in the ejecta/wind environment, and that the electron density in the `cooler region is 2.2e5 cm-3. The determination of elemental abundances is not straightforward but on the assumption that the Ne and O fine structure lines arise in the same volume of the ejecta, the O/Ne ratio is >~0.6 by number.

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