Star Formation, Radio Sources, Cooling X-ray Gas, and Galaxy Interactions in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in 2A0335+096

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present deep emission-line imaging taken with the SOAR Optical Imaging Camera of the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in the nearby (z=0.035) X-ray cluster 2A0335+096. We analyze long-slit optical spectroscopy, archival VLA, Chandra X-ray, and XMM UV data. 2A0335+096 is a bright, cool-core X-ray cluster, once known as a cooling flow. Within the highly disturbed core revealed by Chandra X-ray observations, 2A0335+096 hosts a highly structured optical emission-line system. The redshift of the companion is within 100 km/s of the BCG and has certainly interacted with the BCG, and is likely bound to it. The comparison of optical and radio images shows curved filaments in H-alpha emission surrounding the resolved radio source. The velocity structure of the emission-line bar between the BCG nucleus and the companion galaxy provides strong evidence for an interaction between the two in the last ~50 Myrs. The age of the radio source is similar to the interaction time, so this interaction may have provoked an episode of radio activity. We estimate a star formation rate of >7 solar mass/yr based on the Halpha and archival UV data, a rate similar to, but somewhat lower than, the revised X-ray cooling rate of 10-30 solar masses/year estimated from XMM spectra by Peterson & workers. The Halpha nebula is limited to a region of high X-ray surface brightness and cool X-ray temperature. The detailed structures of H-alpha and X-ray gas differ. The peak of the X-ray emission is not the peak of H-alpha emission, nor does it lie in the BCG. The estimated age of the radio lobes and their interaction with the optical emission-line gas, the estimated timescale for depletion and accumulation of cold gas, and the dynamical time in the system are all similar, suggesting a common trigger mechanism.

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