Evidence for Pre-SN Mass Loss in the Galactic SNR 3C 58

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We discuss the findings of a comprehensive imaging and spectroscopic survey of the optical emission associated with the supernova remnant 3C 58 (Fesen et al. 2007) as they relate to the topic of pre-SN mass loss. Spectroscopically measured radial velocities of ~450 emission knots within the remnant show two distinct kinematic populations of optical knots: a high-velocity group with radial velocities in the range of 700 - 1100 km/s and a lower velocity group exhibiting radial expansion velocities below ~250 km/s. We interpret the high-velocity knots as ejecta from the SN explosion and the low-velocity knots as shocked circumstellar material likely resulting from pre-SN mass loss. The chemical signatures of the two populations also show marked differences. The high velocity group includes a substantial number of knots with notably higher [N II]/H-alpha ratios not seen in the lower velocity population, suggesting greater nitrogen enrichment in the SN ejecta than in the CSM. These results are compared with evidence for pre-SN mass loss in the Crab Nebula, perhaps the SNR most similar to 3C 58. These SNRs may comprise two case studies of pre-SN mass loss in relatively low mass (~8 - 10 solar masses) core-collapse SN progenitors.

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