Relativeca Dopplera efekto ^ce unuforme akcelata movo -- II

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Extending physics/0701092, a light source of monochromatic radiation, in rectilinear motion under constant proper acceleration, passes near an observer at rest. In the context of special relativity, we describe the observed Doppler effect. We describe also the interesting discontinuous effect when riding through occurs. An English version of this article is available. ----- Da^urigante physics/0701092, luma fonto de unukolora radiado ^ce rekta movo ^ce konstanta propra akcelo pasas preter restanta observanto. ^Ce la special-relativeco, ni priskribas la observatan Doppleran efikon. Ni anka^u priskribas la interesan nekontinuan efikon se trapaso okazas.

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