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Transverse moments of TMD parton densities and ultraviolet divergences

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 نشر من قبل Ted Rogers
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Ted Rogers

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I review some open questions relating to the large transverse momentum divergences in transverse moments of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton correlation func- tions. I also explain, in an abbreviated and summarized form, recent work that shows that the resulting violations of a commonly used integral relation are not perturbatively suppressed. I argue that this implies a need for more precise definitions for the correlation functions used to describe transverse moments.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We perform a comprehensive new Monte Carlo analysis of high-energy lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron scattering data to simultaneously determine parton distribution functions (PDFs) in the proton and parton to hadron fragmentation functi ons (FFs). The analysis includes all available semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering and single-inclusive $e^+ e^-$ annihilation data for pions, kaons and unidentified charged hadrons, which allows the flavor dependence of the fragmentation functions to be constrained. Employing a new multi-step fitting strategy and more flexible parametrizations for both PDFs and FFs, we assess the impact of different data sets on sea quark densities, and confirm the previously observed suppression of the strange quark distribution. The new fit, which we refer to as JAM20-SIDIS, will allow for improved studies of universality of parton correlation functions, including transverse momentum dependent (TMD) distributions, across a wide variety of process, and the matching of collinear to TMD factorization descriptions.
We discuss possible applications of the equations of motion in the generalized Wilson loop space to the phenomenology of the three-dimensional parton distribution functions in the large-$x_B$ approximation. This regime is relevant for future experime ntal programs to be launched at the (approved) Jefferson Lab 12 GeV upgrade and the (planned) Electron-Ion Collider. We show that the geometrical evolution of the Wilson loops corresponds to the combined rapidity and renormalization-group equation of the transverse-distance dependent parton densities in the large-$x_B$ factorization scheme.
158 - I.O. Cherednikov 2014
QCD factorization approach in the field-theoretic description of the semi-inclusive hadronic processes in the large Bjorken $x$ approximation implies extraction of the three-dimensional parton distribution functions as a convolution of a collinear je t function and soft transverse-distance dependent (TDD) function defined as a vacuum average of a partially light-like Wilson loop. The soft function can be interpreted, therefore, as an element of generalized loop space. A class of classically conformal-invariant transformations of the elements of this space is generated by the non-local area derivative operator which corresponds to a diffeomorphism in the loop space and determines equations of motion, the latter being associated with the rapidity evolution of the soft TDD functions. We propose a large-$x$ TDD factorization framework and discuss practical applications of this approach to the phenomenology of the TDDs accessible in future experimental programs at the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV and the Electron-Ion Collider.
We discuss the possibility of non-minimal gauge invariance of transverse-momentum-dependent parton densities (TMDs) that allows direct access to the spin degrees of freedom of fermion fields entering the operator definition of (quark) TMDs. This is a chieved via enhanced Wilson lines that are supplied with the spin-dependent Pauli term $sim F^{mu u}[gamma_mu, gamma_ u]$, thus providing an appropriate tool for the microscopic investigation of the spin and color structure of TMDs. We show that this generalization leaves the leading-twist TMD properties unchanged but modifies those of twist three by contributing to their anomalous dimensions. We also comment on Collins recent criticism of our approach.
The calculations of $Z + b{bar b}$ tagged jet production performed in the four- and five-flavour schemes allow for detailed comparison of the heavy flavour structure of collinear and transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions as well as for detailed investigations of heavy quarks radiated during the initial state parton shower cascade. We have determined the first set of collinear and TMD parton distributions in the four-flavour scheme with NLO DGLAP splitting functions within the Parton-Branching (PB) approach. The four- and five-flavour PB-TMD distributions were used to calculate $Z + b{bar b}$ tagged jet production at LHC energies and very good agreement with measurements obtained at $sqrt{s} = 8, 13 $ TeV by the CMS and ATLAS collaborations is observed. The different configurations of the hard process in the four- and five-flavour schemes allow for a detailed investigation of the performance of heavy flavor collinear and TMD parton distributions and the corresponding initial TMD parton shower, giving confidence in the evolution of the PB-TMD parton densities as well as in the PB-TMD parton shower.
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