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Gorenstein projective modules and recollements over triangular matrix rings

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 نشر من قبل Jiangsheng Hu
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Let $T=left( begin{array}{cc} R & M 0 & S end{array} right) $ be a triangular matrix ring with $R$ and $S$ rings and $_RM_S$ an $R$-$S$-bimodule. We describe Gorenstein projective modules over $T$. In particular, we refine a result of Enochs, Cort{e}s-Izurdiaga and Torrecillas [Gorenstein conditions over triangular matrix rings, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 218 (2014), no. 8, 1544-1554]. Also, we consider when the recollement of $mathbb{D}^b(T{text-} Mod)$ restricts to a recollement of its subcategory $mathbb{D}^b(T{text-} Mod)_{fgp}$ consisting of complexes with finite Gorenstein projective dimension. As applications, we obtain recollements of the stable category $underline{T{text-} GProj}$ and recollements of the Gorenstein defect category $mathbb{D}_{def}(T{text-} Mod)$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

234 - Rongmin Zhu , Zhongkui Liu , 2014
Let $A$ and $B$ be rings, $U$ a $(B, A)$-bimodule and $T=left(begin{smallmatrix} A & 0 U & B end{smallmatrix}right)$ be the triangular matrix ring. In this paper, we characterize the Gorenstein homological dimensions of modules over $T$, and discuss when a left $T$-module is strongly Gorenstein projective or strongly Gorenstein injective module.
139 - Lixin Mao 2019
Let $T=biggl(begin{matrix} A&0 U&B end{matrix}biggr)$ be a formal triangular matrix ring, where $A$ and $B$ are rings and $U$ is a $(B, A)$-bimodule. We prove that: (1) If $U_A$ and $_B U$ have finite flat dimensions, then a left $T$-module $biggl(be gin{matrix} M_1 M_2end{matrix}biggr)_{varphi^M}$ is Ding projective if and only if $M_1$ and $M_2/{rm im}(varphi^M)$ are Ding projective and the morphism $varphi^M$ is a monomorphism. (2) If $T$ is a right coherent ring, $_{B}U$ has finite flat dimension, $U_{A}$ is finitely presented and has finite projective or $FP$-injective dimension, then a right $T$-module $(W_{1}, W_{2})_{varphi_{W}}$ is Ding injective if and only if $W_{1}$ and $ker(widetilde{{varphi_{W}}})$ are Ding injective and the morphism $widetilde{{varphi_{W}}}$ is an epimorphism. As a consequence, we describe Ding projective and Ding injective dimensions of a $T$-module.
Let $mathbf{k}$ be a fixed field of arbitrary characteristic, and let $Lambda$ be a finite dimensional $mathbf{k}$-algebra. Assume that $V$ is a left $Lambda$-module of finite dimension over $mathbf{k}$. F. M. Bleher and the author previously proved that $V$ has a well-defined versal deformation ring $R(Lambda,V)$ which is a local complete commutative Noetherian ring with residue field isomorphic to $mathbf{k}$. Moreover, $R(Lambda,V)$ is universal if the endomorphism ring of $V$ is isomorphic to $mathbf{k}$. In this article we prove that if $Lambda$ is a basic connected cycle Nakayama algebra without simple modules and $V$ is a Gorenstein-projective left $Lambda$-module, then $R(Lambda,V)$ is universal. Moreover, we also prove that the universal deformation rings $R(Lambda,V)$ and $R(Lambda, Omega V)$ are isomorphic, where $Omega V$ denotes the first syzygy of $V$. This result extends the one obtained by F. M. Bleher and D. J. Wackwitz concerning universal deformation rings of finitely generated modules over self-injective Nakayama algebras. In addition, we also prove the following result concerning versal deformation rings of finitely generated modules over triangular matrix finite dimensional algebras. Let $Sigma=begin{pmatrix} Lambda & B0& Gammaend{pmatrix}$ be a triangular matrix finite dimensional Gorenstein $mathbf{k}$-algebra with $Gamma$ of finite global dimension and $B$ projective as a left $Lambda$-module. If $begin{pmatrix} VWend{pmatrix}_f$ is a finitely generated Gorenstein-projective left $Sigma$-module, then the versal deformation rings $Rleft(Sigma,begin{pmatrix} VWend{pmatrix}_fright)$ and $R(Lambda,V)$ are isomorphic.
270 - Amanda Croll 2013
It is proved that the minimal free resolution of a module M over a Gorenstein local ring R is eventually periodic if, and only if, the class of M is torsion in a certain Z[t,t^{-1}]-module associated to R. This module, denoted J(R), is the free Z[t,t ^{-1}]-module on the isomorphism classes of finitely generated R-modules modulo relations reminiscent of those defining the Grothendieck group of R. The main result is a structure theorem for J(R) when R is a complete Gorenstein local ring; the link between periodicity and torsion stated above is a corollary.
Let $mathbf{k}$ be a field of arbitrary characteristic, let $Lambda$ be a finite dimensional $mathbf{k}$-algebra, and let $V$ be a finitely generated $Lambda$-module. F. M. Bleher and the third author previously proved that $V$ has a well-defined ver sal deformation ring $R(Lambda,V)$. If the stable endomorphism ring of $V$ is isomorphic to $mathbf{k}$, they also proved under the additional assumption that $Lambda$ is self-injective that $R(Lambda,V)$ is universal. In this paper, we prove instead that if $Lambda$ is arbitrary but $V$ is Gorenstein-projective then $R(Lambda,V)$ is also universal when the stable endomorphism ring of $V$ is isomorphic to $mathbf{k}$. Moreover, we show that singular equivalences of Morita type (as introduced by X. W. Chen and L. G. Sun) preserve the isomorphism classes of versal deformation rings of finitely generated Gorenstein-projective modules over Gorenstein algebras. We also provide examples. In particular, if $Lambda$ is a monomial algebra in which there is no overlap (as introduced by X. W. Chen, D. Shen and G. Zhou) we prove that every finitely generated indecomposable Gorenstein-projective $Lambda$-module has a universal deformation ring that is isomorphic to either $mathbf{k}$ or to $mathbf{k}[![t]!]/(t^2)$.
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