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Model for Constructing an Options Portfolio with a Certain Payoff Function

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 نشر من قبل Mikhail E Semenov
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English

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The portfolio optimization problem is a basic problem of financial analysis. In the study, an optimization model for constructing an options portfolio with a certain payoff function has been proposed. The model is formulated as an integer linear programming problem and includes an objective payoff function and a system of constraints. In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed model, we have constructed the portfolio on the European call and put options of Taiwan Futures Exchange. The optimum solution was obtained using the MATLAB software. Our approach is quite general and has the potential to design options portfolios on financial markets.

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We study the problem of active portfolio management where an investor aims to outperform a benchmark strategys risk profile while not deviating too far from it. Specifically, an investor considers alternative strategies whose terminal wealth lie with in a Wasserstein ball surrounding a benchmarks -- being distributionally close -- and that have a specified dependence/copula -- tying state-by-state outcomes -- to it. The investor then chooses the alternative strategy that minimises a distortion risk measure of terminal wealth. In a general (complete) market model, we prove that an optimal dynamic strategy exists and provide its characterisation through the notion of isotonic projections. We further propose a simulation approach to calculate the optimal strategys terminal wealth, making our approach applicable to a wide range of market models. Finally, we illustrate how investors with different copula and risk preferences invest and improve upon the benchmark using the Tail Value-at-Risk, inverse S-shaped, and lower- and upper-tail distortion risk measures as examples. We find that investors optimal terminal wealth distribution has larger probability masses in regions that reduce their risk measure relative to the benchmark while preserving the benchmarks structure.
193 - Michael Schmutz 2010
It turns out that in the bivariate Black-Scholes economy Margrabe type options exhibit symmetry properties leading to semi-static hedges of rather general barrier options. Some of the results are extended to variants obtained by means of Brownian sub ordination. In order to increase the liquidity of the hedging instruments for certain currency options, the duality principle can be applied to set up hedges in a foreign market by using only European vanilla options sometimes along with a risk-less bond. Since the semi-static hedges in the Black-Scholes economy are exact, closed form valuation formulas for certain barrier options can be easily derived.
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We extend the approach of Carr, Itkin and Muravey, 2021 for getting semi-analytical prices of barrier options for the time-dependent Heston model with time-dependent barriers by applying it to the so-called $lambda$-SABR stochastic volatility model. In doing so we modify the general integral transform method (see Itkin, Lipton, Muravey, Generalized integral transforms in mathematical finance, World Scientific, 2021) and deliver solution of this problem in the form of Fourier-Bessel series. The weights of this series solve a linear mixed Volterra-Fredholm equation (LMVF) of the second kind also derived in the paper. Numerical examples illustrate speed and accuracy of our method which are comparable with those of the finite-difference approach at small maturities and outperform them at high maturities even by using a simplistic implementation of the RBF method for solving the LMVF.
In this paper we develop an algorithm to calculate the prices and Greeks of barrier options in a hyper-exponential additive model with piecewise constant parameters. We obtain an explicit semi-analytical expression for the first-passage probability. The solution rests on a randomization and an explicit matrix Wiener-Hopf factorization. Employing this result we derive explicit expressions for the Laplace-Fourier transforms of the prices and Greeks of barrier options. As a numerical illustration, the prices and Greeks of down-and-in digital and down-and-in call options are calculated for a set of parameters obtained by a simultaneous calibration to Stoxx50E call options across strikes and four different maturities. By comparing the results with Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the method is fast, accurate, and stable.
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