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Trying to understand dark matter

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 نشر من قبل Bruce Hoeneisen
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف B. Hoeneisen

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We present some back-of-the-envelope calculations to try to understand cold dark matter, its searches, and extensions of the Standard Model. Some of the insights obtained from this exercise may be useful.

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In this pedestrian approach I give my personal point of view on the various problems posed by dark matter in the universe. After a brief historical overview I discuss the various solutions stemming from high energy particle physics, and the current s tatus of experimental research on candidate particles (WIMPS). In the absence of direct evidence, the theories can still be evaluated by comparing their implications for the formation of galaxies, clusters and superclusters of galaxies against astronomical observations. I conclude briefly with the attempts to circumvent the dark matter problem by modifying the laws of gravity.
A new frontier in the search for dark matter (DM) is based on the idea of detecting the decoherence caused by DM scattering against a mesoscopic superposition of normal matter. Such superpositions are uniquely sensitive to very small momentum transfe rs from new particles and forces, especially DM with a mass below 100 MeV. Here we investigate what sorts of dark sectors are inaccessible with existing methods but would induce noticeable decoherence in the next generation of matter interferometers. We show that very soft, but medium range (0.1 nm - 1 $mu$m) elastic interactions between nuclei and DM are particularly suitable. We construct toy models for such interactions, discuss existing constraints, and delineate the expected sensitivity of forthcoming experiments. The first hints of DM in these devices would appear as small variations in the anomalous decoherence rate with a period of one sidereal day. This is a generic signature of interstellar sources of decoherence, clearly distinguishing it from terrestrial backgrounds. The OTIMA experiment under development in Vienna will begin to probe Earth-thermalizing DM once sidereal variations in the background decoherence rate are pushed below one part in a hundred for superposed 5-nm gold nanoparticles. The proposals by Bateman et al. and Geraci et al. could be similarly sensitive, although they would require at least a month of data taking. DM that is absorbed or elastically reflected by the Earth, and so avoids a greenhouse density enhancement, would not be detectable by those three experiments. On the other hand, the aggressive proposals of the MAQRO collaboration and Pino et al. would immediately open up many orders of magnitude in DM mass, interaction range, and coupling strength, regardless of how DM behaves in bulk matter.
We propose a new portal coupling to dark matter by taking advantage of the nonminimally coupled portal sector to the Ricci scalar. Such a portal sector conformally induces couplings to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor of matters including high ly secluded dark matter particles. The portal coupling is so feeble that dark matter is produced by freeze-in processes of scatterings and/or the decay of the mediator. We consider two concrete realizations of the portal: conformally induced Higgs portal and conformally induced mediator portal. The former case is compatible with the Higgs inflation, while the latter case can be tested by dark matter direct detection experiments.
We propose a novel thermal production mechanism for dark matter based on the idea that dark matter particles $chi$ can transform (`infect) heat bath particles $psi$: $chi psi rightarrow chi chi$. For a small initial abundance of $chi$ this induces an exponential growth in the dark matter number density, closely resembling the epidemic curves of a spreading pathogen after an initial outbreak. To quantify this relation we present a sharp duality between the Boltzmann equation for the dark matter number density and epidemiological models for the spread of infectious diseases. Finally we demonstrate that the exponential growth naturally stops before $chi$ thermalizes with the heat bath, corresponding to a triumphant `flattening of the curve that matches the observed dark matter abundance.
We propose a new scenario where dark matter belongs to a secluded sector coupled to the Standard Model through energy--momentum tensors. Our model is motivated by constructions where gravity {it emerges} from a hidden sector, the graviton being ident ified by the kinetic term of the fields in the secluded sector. Supposing that the lighter particle of the secluded sector is the dark component of the Universe, we show that we can produce it in a sufficiently large amount despite the suppressed couplings of the theory, thanks to large temperatures of the thermal bath in the early stage of the Universe.
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