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Scene text detection has drawn the close attention of researchers. Though many methods have been proposed for horizontal and oriented texts, previous methods may not perform well when dealing with arbitrary-shaped texts such as curved texts. In particular, confusion problem arises in the case of nearby text instances. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method for accurate arbitrary-shaped nearby scene text detection. Firstly, a One-to-Many Training Scheme (OMTS) is designed to eliminate confusion and enable the proposals to learn more appropriate groundtruths in the case of nearby text instances. Secondly, we propose a Proposal Feature Attention Module (PFAM) to exploit more effective features for each proposal, which can better adapt to arbitrary-shaped text instances. Finally, we propose a baseline that is based on Faster R-CNN and outputs the curve representation directly. Equipped with PFAM and OMTS, the detector can achieve state-of-the-art or competitive performance on several challenging benchmarks.
Detection and recognition of scene texts of arbitrary shapes remain a grand challenge due to the super-rich text shape variation in text line orientations, lengths, curvatures, etc. This paper presents a mask-guided multi-task network that detects an
A crucial component for the scene text based reasoning required for TextVQA and TextCaps datasets involve detecting and recognizing text present in the images using an optical character recognition (OCR) system. The current systems are crippled by th
One of the main challenges for arbitrary-shaped text detection is to design a good text instance representation that allows networks to learn diverse text geometry variances. Most of existing methods model text instances in image spatial domain via m
Numerous scene text detection methods have been proposed in recent years. Most of them declare they have achieved state-of-the-art performances. However, the performance comparison is unfair, due to lots of inconsistent settings (e.g., training data,
Large geometry (e.g., orientation) variances are the key challenges in the scene text detection. In this work, we first conduct experiments to investigate the capacity of networks for learning geometry variances on detecting scene texts, and find tha