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The relationship between photometric and spectroscopic oscillation amplitudes from 3D stellar atmosphere simulations

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 نشر من قبل Yixiao Zhou
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We establish a quantitative relationship between photometric and spectroscopic detections of solar-like oscillations using ab initio, three-dimensional (3D), hydrodynamical numerical simulations of stellar atmospheres. We present a theoretical derivation as proof of concept for our method. We perform realistic spectral line formation calculations to quantify the ratio between luminosity and radial velocity amplitude for two case studies: the Sun and the red giant $epsilon$ Tau. Luminosity amplitudes are computed based on the bolometric flux predicted by 3D simulations with granulation background modelled the same way as asteroseismic observations. Radial velocity amplitudes are determined from the wavelength shift of synthesized spectral lines with methods closely resembling those used in BiSON and SONG observations. Consequently, the theoretical luminosity to radial velocity amplitude ratios are directly comparable with corresponding observations. For the Sun, we predict theoretical ratios of 21.0 and 23.7 ppm/[m/s] from BiSON and SONG respectively, in good agreement with observations 19.1 and 21.6 ppm/[m/s]. For $epsilon$ Tau, we predict K2 and SONG ratios of 48.4 ppm/[m/s], again in good agreement with observations 42.2 ppm/[m/s], and much improved over the result from conventional empirical scaling relations which gives 23.2 ppm/[m/s]. This study thus opens the path towards a quantitative understanding of solar-like oscillations, via detailed modelling of 3D stellar atmospheres.

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181 - M. Breger , L. Fossati , L. Balona 2012
Two years of Kepler data of KIC 8054146 (delta Sct/gamma Dor hybrid) revealed 349 statistically significant frequencies between 0.54 and 191.36 c/d (6.3 microHz to 2.21 mHz). The 117 low frequencies cluster in specific frequency bands, but do not sho w the equidistant period spacings predicted for gravity modes of successive radial order, n, and reported for at least one other hybrid pulsator. The four dominant low frequencies in the 2.8 to 3.0 c/d (32 to 35 microHz) range show strong amplitude variability with timescales of months and years. These four low frequencies also determine the spacing of the higher frequencies in and beyond the delta Sct pressure-mode frequency domain. In fact, most of the higher frequencies belong to one of three families with spacings linked to a specific dominant low frequency. In the Fourier spectrum, these family regularities show up as triplets, high-frequency sequences with absolutely equidistant frequency spacings, side lobes (amplitude modulations) and other regularities in frequency spacings. Furthermore, within two families the amplitude variations between the low and high frequencies are related. We conclude that the low frequencies (gravity modes, rotation) and observed high frequencies (mostly pressure modes) are physically connected. This unusual behavior may be related to the very rapid rotation of the star: from a combination of high and low-resolution spectroscopy we determined that KIC 8054146 is a very fast rotator (v sin i = 300 +/- 20 km/s) with an effective temperature of 7600 +/- 200 K and a surface gravity log g of 3.9 +/- 0.3. Several astrophysical ideas explaining the origin of the relationship between the low and high frequencies are explored.
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Context. Small-scale bright features in the photosphere of the Sun, such as faculae or G-band bright points, appear in connection with small-scale magnetic flux concentrations. Aims. Here we report on a new class of photospheric bright points that are free of magnetic fields. So far, these are visible in numerical simulations only. We explore conditions required for their observational detection. Methods. Numerical radiation (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations of the near-surface layers of the Sun were carried out. The magnetic field-free simulations show tiny bright points, reminiscent of magnetic bright points, only smaller. A simple toy model for these non-magnetic bright points (nMBPs) was established that serves as a base for the development of an algorithm for their automatic detection. Basic physical properties of 357 detected nMBPs were extracted and statistically evaluated. We produced synthetic intensity maps that mimic observations with various solar telescopes to obtain hints on their detectability. Results. The nMBPs of the simulations show a mean bolometric intensity contrast with respect to their intergranular surroundings of approximately 20%, a size of 60-80 km, and the isosurface of optical depth unity is at their location depressed by 80-100 km. They are caused by swirling downdrafts that provide, by means of the centripetal force, the necessary pressure gradient for the formation of a funnel of reduced mass density that reaches from the subsurface layers into the photosphere. Similar, frequently occurring funnels that do not reach into the photosphere, do not produce bright points. Conclusions. Non-magnetic bright points are the observable manifestation of vertically extending vortices (vortex tubes) in the photosphere. The resolving power of 4-m-class telescopes, such as the DKIST, is needed for an unambiguous detection of them.
The reconstruction of the solar spectral irradiance (SSI) on various time scales is essential for the understanding of the Earths climate response to the SSI variability. The driver of the SSI variability is understood to be the intensity contrast of magnetic features present on the Sun with respect to the largely non-magnetic quiet Sun. However, different spectral synthesis codes lead to diverging projections of SSI variability. In this study we compare three different radiative transfer codes and carry out a detailed analysis of their performance. We perform the spectral synthesis at the continuum wavelength of 665 nm with the Code for Solar Irradiance (COSI), and the Rybicki-Hummer (RH), and Max Planck University of Chicago Radiative MHD (MURaM) codes for three 3D MHD simulations snapshots, a non-magnetic case, and MHD simulations with 100 G, and 200 G magnetic field strength. We determine the intensity distributions, the intensity differences and ratios for the spectral synthesis codes. We identify that the largest discrepancies originate in the intergranular lanes where the most field concentration occurs. Overall, the applied radiative transfer codes give consistent intensity distributions. Also, the intensity variation as a function of magnetic field strength for the particular 100 G and 200 G snapshots agree within the 2-3% range.
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