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Autonomous quantum absorption refrigerators

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 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose a quantum absorption refrigerator using the quantum physics of resonant tunneling through quantum dots. The cold and hot reservoirs are fermionic leads, tunnel coupled via quantum dots to a central fermionic cavity, and we propose configurations in which the heat absorbed from the (very hot) central cavity is used as a resource to selectively transfer heat from the cold reservoir on the left, to the hot reservoir on the right. The heat transport in the device is particle---hole symmetric; we find two regimes of cooling as a function of the energy of the dots---symmetric with respect to the Fermi energy of the reservoirs---and we associate them to heat transfer by electrons above the Fermi level, and holes below the Fermi level, respectively. We also discuss optimizing the cooling effect by fine-tuning the energy of the dots as well as their linewidth, and characterize regimes where the transport is thermodynamically reversible such that Carnot Coefficent of Performance is achieved with zero cooling power delivered.

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