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Computing subschemes of the border basis scheme

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 نشر من قبل Martin Kreuzer
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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A good way of parametrizing 0-dimensional schemes in an affine space $mathbb{A}_K^n$ has been developed in the last 20 years using border basis schemes. Given a multiplicity $mu$, they provide an open covering of the Hilbert scheme ${rm Hilb}^mu(mathbb{A}^n_K)$ and can be described by easily computable quadratic equations. A natural question arises on how to determine loci which are contained in border basis schemes and whose rational points represent 0-dimensional $K$-algebras sharing a given property. The main focus of this paper is on giving effective answers to this general problem. The properties considered here are the locally Gorenstein, strict Gorenstein, strict complete intersection, Cayley-Bacharach, and strict Cayley-Bacharach properties. The key characteristic of our approach is that we describe these loci by exhibiting explicit algorithms to compute their defining ideals. All results are illustrated by non-trivial, concrete examples.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

298 - Mariemi Alonso 2009
In this paper, we give new explicit representations of the Hilbert scheme of $mu$ points in $PP^{r}$ as a projective subvariety of a Grassmanniann variety. This new explicit description of the Hilbert scheme is simpler than the previous ones and glob al. It involves equations of degree $2$. We show how these equations are deduced from the commutation relations characterizing border bases. Next, we consider infinitesimal perturbations of an input system of equations on this Hilbert scheme and describe its tangent space. We propose an effective criterion to test if it is a flat deformation, that is if the perturbed system remains on the Hilbert scheme of the initial equations. This criterion involves in particular formal reduction with respect to border bases.
The main topic of the paper is the construction of various explicit flat families of border bases. To begin with, we cover the punctual Hilbert scheme Hilb^mu(A^n) by border basis schemes and work out the base changes. This enables us to control flat families obtained by linear changes of coordinates. Next we provide an explicit construction of the principal component of the border basis scheme, and we use it to find flat families of maximal dimension at each radical point. Finally, we connect radical points to each other and to the monomial point via explicit flat families on the principal component.
Here we study the problem of generalizing one of the main tools of Groebner basis theory, namely the flat deformation to the leading term ideal, to the border basis setting. After showing that the straightforward approach based on the deformation to the degree form ideal works only under additional hypotheses, we introduce border basis schemes and universal border basis families. With their help the problem can be rephrased as the search for a certain rational curve on a border basis scheme. We construct the system of generators of the vanishing ideal of the border basis scheme in different ways and study the question of how to minimalize it. For homogeneous ideals, we also introduce a homogeneous border basis scheme and prove that it is an affine space in certain cases. In these cases it is then easy to write down the desired deformations explicitly.
In this paper we consider the problem of computing all possible order ideals and also sets connected to 1, and the corresponding border bases, for the vanishing ideal of a given finite set of points. In this context two different approaches are discu ssed: based on the Buchberger-Moller Algorithm, we first propose a new algorithm to compute all possible order ideals and the corresponding border bases for an ideal of points. The second approach involves adapting the Farr-Gao Algorithm for finding all sets connected to 1, as well as the corresponding border bases, for an ideal of points. It should be noted that our algorithms are term ordering free. Therefore they can compute successfully all border bases for an ideal of points. Both proposed algorithms have been implemented and their efficiency is discussed via a set of benchmarks.
Given a finite order ideal $mathcal O$ in the polynomial ring $K[x_1,dots, x_n]$ over a field $K$, let $partial mathcal O$ be the border of $mathcal O$ and $mathcal P_{mathcal O}$ the Pommaret basis of the ideal generated by the terms outside $mathca l O$. In the framework of reduction structures introduced by Ceria, Mora, Roggero in 2019, we investigate relations among $partialmathcal O$-marked sets (resp. bases) and $mathcal P_{mathcal O}$-marked sets (resp. bases). We prove that a $partialmathcal O$-marked set $B$ is a marked basis if and only if the $mathcal P_{mathcal O}$-marked set $P$ contained in $B$ is a marked basis and generates the same ideal as $B$. Using a functorial description of these marked bases, as a byproduct we obtain that the affine schemes respectively parameterizing $partialmathcal O$-marked bases and $mathcal P_{mathcal O}$-marked bases are isomorphic. We are able to describe this isomorphism as a projection that can be explicitly constructed without the use of Grobner elimination techniques. In particular, we obtain a straightforward embedding of border schemes in smaller affine spaces. Furthermore, we observe that Pommaret marked schemes give an open covering of punctual Hilbert schemes. Several examples are given along all the paper.
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