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The Hilbert scheme of points and its link with border basis

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 نشر من قبل Bernard Mourrain
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Mariemi Alonso

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In this paper, we give new explicit representations of the Hilbert scheme of $mu$ points in $PP^{r}$ as a projective subvariety of a Grassmanniann variety. This new explicit description of the Hilbert scheme is simpler than the previous ones and global. It involves equations of degree $2$. We show how these equations are deduced from the commutation relations characterizing border bases. Next, we consider infinitesimal perturbations of an input system of equations on this Hilbert scheme and describe its tangent space. We propose an effective criterion to test if it is a flat deformation, that is if the perturbed system remains on the Hilbert scheme of the initial equations. This criterion involves in particular formal reduction with respect to border bases.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A good way of parametrizing 0-dimensional schemes in an affine space $mathbb{A}_K^n$ has been developed in the last 20 years using border basis schemes. Given a multiplicity $mu$, they provide an open covering of the Hilbert scheme ${rm Hilb}^mu(math bb{A}^n_K)$ and can be described by easily computable quadratic equations. A natural question arises on how to determine loci which are contained in border basis schemes and whose rational points represent 0-dimensional $K$-algebras sharing a given property. The main focus of this paper is on giving effective answers to this general problem. The properties considered here are the locally Gorenstein, strict Gorenstein, strict complete intersection, Cayley-Bacharach, and strict Cayley-Bacharach properties. The key characteristic of our approach is that we describe these loci by exhibiting explicit algorithms to compute their defining ideals. All results are illustrated by non-trivial, concrete examples.
The Kostka semigroup consists of pairs of partitions with at most r parts that have positive Kostka coefficient. For this semigroup, Hilbert basis membership is an NP-complete problem. We introduce KGR graphs and conservative subtrees, through the Ga le-Ryser theorem on contingency tables, as a criterion for membership. In our main application, we show that if a partition pair is in the Hilbert basis then the partitions are at most r wide. We also classify the extremal rays of the associated polyhedral cone; these rays correspond to a (strict) subset of the Hilbert basis. In an appendix, the second and third authors show that a natural extension of our main result on the Kostka semigroup cannot be extended to the Littlewood-Richardson semigroup. This furthermore gives a counterexample to a recent speculation of P. Belkale concerning the semigroup controlling nonvanishing conformal blocks.
143 - Paolo Lella 2012
Borel-fixed ideals play a key role in the study of Hilbert schemes. Indeed each component and each intersection of components of a Hilbert scheme contains at least one Borel-fixed point, i.e. a point corresponding to a subscheme defined by a Borel-fi xed ideal. Moreover Borel-fixed ideals have good combinatorial properties, which make them very interesting in an algorithmic perspective. In this paper, we propose an implementation of the algorithm computing all the saturated Borel-fixed ideals with number of variables and Hilbert polynomial assigned, introduced from a theoretical point of view in the paper Segment ideals and Hilbert schemes of points, Discrete Mathematics 311 (2011).
Using results obtained from the study of homogeneous ideals sharing the same initial ideal with respect to some term order, we prove the singularity of the point corresponding to a segment ideal with respect to the revlex term order in the Hilbert sc heme of points in $mathbb{P}^n$. In this context, we look inside properties of several types of segment ideals that we define and compare. This study led us to focus our attention also to connections between the shape of generators of Borel ideals and the related Hilbert polynomial, providing an algorithm for computing all saturated Borel ideals with the given Hilbert polynomial.
174 - Paolo Lella 2010
In this paper we introduce an effective method to construct rational deformations between couples of Borel-fixed ideals. These deformations are governed by flat families, so that they correspond to rational curves on the Hilbert scheme. Looking globa lly at all the deformations among Borel-fixed ideals defining points on the same Hilbert scheme, we are able to give a new proof of the connectedness of the Hilbert scheme and to introduce a new criterion to establish whenever a set of points defined by Borel ideals lies on a common component of the Hilbert scheme. The paper contains a detailed algorithmic description of the technique and all the algorithms are made available.
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