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$alpha$ and triton clustering in $^{35}$Cl

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 نشر من قبل Yasutaka Taniguchi
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Coupling of cluster and deformed structures are important for dynamics of nuclear structure. Threshold energy has been discussed to explain cluster structures coupling to deformed states but relation between threshold energy and excitation energy has open problems. Negative-parity superdeformed (SD) states were observed by a $gamma$-spectroscopy experiment in $^{35}$Cl but its detailed structure is unclear. By analyzing coupling of cluster structures in deformed states and high-lying cluster states in $^{35}$Cl, cluster structures coupling to deformed states and excitation energy of high-lying cluster states are investigated. The antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) and the generator coordinate method (GCM) are used. An AMD wave function is a Slater determinant of Gaussian wave packets. By energy variational calculations with constraints on deformation and clustering, wave functions of deformed structures and $alpha$- and $t$-cluster structures are obtained. Adopting those wave functions as GCM basis, wave functions of ground and excited states are calculated. Various deformed bands are obtained and predicted. A $K^pi = frac{1}{2}^-$ deformed band, which corresponds to the observed SD band, dominates deformed structure and compact $alpha$- and $t$-cluster structure components. Particle-hole configurations of the dominant components with deformed and cluster structures are similar. In high-lying states, almost pure $alpha$- and $t$-cluster states are obtained in negative-parity states, and excitation energies of the $t$-cluster states are higher than those of $alpha$-cluster states. In conclusions, particle-hole configurations of cluster structure with small intercluster distance are important for coupling to low-energy deformed states. Threshold energies reflect to excitation energies of high-lying almost pure cluster states.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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62 - B. S. Huang , Y. G. Ma 2020
The proton-proton momentum correlation function is constructed in three-body photo-disintegration channels from $^{12}$C and $^{16}$O targets in the quasi-deuteron regime within the framework of an extended quantum molecular dynamics model. Using the formula of Lednicky and Lyuboshitz (LL) for the momentum correlation function, we obtain a proton-proton momentum correlation function for the specific three-body photon-disintegration channels of $^{12}$C and $^{16}$O targets, which are assumed to have different initial geometric structures, and extract their respective emission source sizes for the proton-proton pair. The results demonstrate that constructing a proton-proton momentum correlation is feasible in photo-nuclear reactions, and it is sensitive to the initial nuclear structure. For future experimental studies investigating the $alpha$-clustering structures of light nuclei, the present work can be used to shed light on the performance and correlation function analysis of ($gamma$,pp) or (e,$e$pp) reactions.
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