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Kinetics of Diffusion-Controlled Annihilation with Sparse Initial Conditions

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 نشر من قبل Eli Ben-Naim
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study diffusion-controlled single-species annihilation with sparse initial conditions. In this random process, particles undergo Brownian motion, and when two particles meet, both disappear. We focus on sparse initial conditions where particles occupy a subspace of dimension $delta$ that is embedded in a larger space of dimension $d$. We find that the co-dimension $Delta=d-delta$ governs the behavior. All particles disappear when the co-dimension is sufficiently small, $Deltaleq 2$; otherwise, a finite fraction of particles indefinitely survive. We establish the asymptotic behavior of the probability $S(t)$ that a test particle survives until time $t$. When the subspace is a line, $delta=1$, we find inverse logarithmic decay, $Ssim (ln t)^{-1}$, in three dimensions, and a modified power-law decay, $Ssim (ln t),t^{-1/2}$, in two dimensions. In general, the survival probability decays algebraically when $Delta <2$, and there is an inverse logarithmic decay at the critical co-dimension $Delta=2$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We study diffusion-controlled single-species annihilation with a finite number of particles. In this reaction-diffusion process, each particle undergoes ordinary diffusion, and when two particles meet, they annihilate. We focus on spatial dimensions $d>2$ where a finite number of particles typically survive the annihilation process. Using the rate equation approach and scaling techniques we investigate the average number of surviving particles, $M$, as a function of the initial number of particles, $N$. In three dimensions, for instance, we find the scaling law $Msim N^{1/3}$ in the asymptotic regime $Ngg 1$. We show that two time scales govern the reaction kinetics: the diffusion time scale, $Tsim N^{2/3}$, and the escape time scale, $tausim N^{4/3}$. The vast majority of annihilation events occur on the diffusion time scale, while no annihilation events occur beyond the escape time scale.
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We present a new theoretical framework for Diffusion Limited Aggregation and associated Dielectric Breakdown Models in two dimensions. Key steps are understanding how these models interrelate when the ultra-violet cut-off strategy is changed, the ana logy with turbulence and the use of logarithmic field variables. Within the simplest, Gaussian, truncation of mode-mode coupling, all properties can be calculated. The agreement with prior knowledge from simulations is encouraging, and a new superuniversality of the tip scaling exponent is both predicted and confirmed.
92 - R. C. Ball , E. Somfai 2002
We expand upon a new theoretical framework for Diffusion Limited Aggregation and associated Dielectric Breakdown Models in two dimensions [R. C. Ball and E. Somfai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 135503 (2002)]. Key steps are understanding how these models int errelate when the ultra-violet cut-off strategy is changed, the analogy with turbulence and the use of logarithmic field variables. Within the simplest, Gaussian, truncation of mode-mode coupling, all properties can be calculated. The agreement with prior knowledge from simulations is encouraging, and a new superuniversality of the tip scaling exponent is discussed. We find angular resonances relatable to the cone angle theory, and we are led to predict a new Screening Transition in the DBM at large eta.
Reaction-diffusion models have been used over decades to study biological systems. In this context, evolution equations for probability distribution functions and the associated stochastic differential equations have nowadays become indispensable too ls. In population dynamics, say, such approaches are utilized to study many systems, e.g., colonies of microorganisms or ecological systems. While the majority of studies focus on the case of a static domain, the time-dependent case is also important, as it allows one to deal with situations where the domain growth takes place over time scales that are relevant for the computation of reaction rates and of the associated reactant distributions. Such situations are indeed frequently encountered in the field of developmental biology, notably in connection with pattern formation, embryo growth or morphogen gradient formation. In this chapter, we review some recent advances in the study of pure diffusion processes in growing domains. These results are subsequently taken as a starting point to study the kinetics of a simple reaction-diffusion process, i.e., the encounter-controlled annihilation reaction. The outcome of the present work is expected to pave the way for the study of more complex reaction-diffusion systems of possible relevance in various fields of research.
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