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Effective Path Towards Relativistic Transients at Millimeter Wavelengths

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 نشر من قبل Sergio Carbajo
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We refine the method towards extraction of sub-cycle transients in the 0.1-1 THz frequency (mm-wavelength) range from optical rectification in lithium niobate using tilted pulse fronts. Our scheme exploits previously unexplored spatio-temporal shaping of the pump pulses, resulting in highly efficient and near diffraction-limited sub-THz transients reaching 0.2 GV/m electric field strengths in free-space using only mJ-level optical ps-pulses. We address experimentally and theoretically the means to producing above-GV/m relativistic sub-THz transients with proper beam confinement and under moderate pumping conditions, thereby bringing widespread access to strong-field and nonlinear terahertz applications and devices.

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اقرأ أيضاً

140 - D. Puy 2001
Chemistry plays a particular role in astrophysics. After atomic hydrogen, helium and their ions, the Universe probably contains more mass in molecules than in any other species. Molecule formation in the early, pre-galactic Universe may have had mu ch to do with the formation of galaxies themselves. In this context the possible interaction between primordial molecules and photons of the Cosmic Microwave Background is very important through the theoretical perspectives and constraints which could give some information on the theory of the large scale structure formation. In this paper we recall the more recent progresses on the chemistry of the early Universe, and describe the importance of molecules in the formation phase of proto objects. A special attention is done concerning the {it case of LiH.
Aims: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that millimeter wave data can be used to distinguish between various atmospheric models of sunspots, whose temperature structure in the upper photosphere and chromosphere has been the source of some contr oversy. Methods: We use observations of the temperature contrast (relative to the quiet Sun) above a sunspot umbra at 3.5 mm obtained with the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array (BIMA), complemented by submm observations from Lindsey & Kopp (1995) and 2 cm observations with the Very Large Array. These are compared with the umbral contrast calculated from various atmospheric models of sunspots. Results: Current mm and submm observational data suggest that the brightness observed at these wavelengths is low compared to the most widely used sunspot models. These data impose strong constraints on the temperature and density stratifications of the sunspot umbral atmosphere, in particular on the location and depth of the temperature minimum and the location of the transition region. Conclusions: A successful model that is in agreement with millimeter umbral brightness should have an extended and deep temperature minimum (below 3000 K). Better spatial resolution as well as better wavelength coverage are needed for a more complete determination of the chromospheric temperature stratification above sunspot umbrae.
Semi-empirical models of the solar Chromosphere show in their emission spectrum, tomography property at millimeter, sub-millimeter, and infrared wavelengths for the center of the solar disk. In this work, we studied this property in the solar limb us ing our numerical code PakalMPI, focusing in the region where the solar atmosphere becomes optically thick. Individual contribution of Bremsstrahlung and H- opacities was take into account in the radiative transfer process. We found that the tomography property remains in all the spectrum region under study at limb altitudes. For frequencies be- tween 2 GHz and 5 THz the contribution of Bremsstrahlung is the dominant process above the solar limb.
We report on two millimeter flares detected by ALMA at 220 GHz from AU Mic, a nearby M dwarf. The larger flare had a duration of only $sim35$ sec, with peak $L_{R}=2times10^{15}$ erg s$^{-1}$ Hz$^{-1}$, and lower limit on linear polarization of $|Q/I |>0.12pm0.04$. We examine the characteristics common to these new AU Mic events and those from Proxima Cen previously reported in MacGregor et al. (2018) - namely short durations, negative spectral indices, and significant linear polarization - to provide new diagnostics of conditions in outer stellar atmospheres and details of stellar flare particle acceleration. The event rates ($sim20$ and $4$ events day$^{-1}$ for AU Mic and Proxima Cen, respectively) suggest that millimeter flares occur commonly but have been undetected until now. Analysis of the flare observing frequency and consideration of possible incoherent emission mechanisms confirms the presence of MeV electrons in the stellar atmosphere occurring as part of the flare process. The spectral indices point to a hard distribution of electrons. The short durations and lack of pronounced exponential decay in the light curve are consistent with formation in a simple magnetic loop, with radio emission predominating from directly precipitating electrons. We consider the possibility of both synchrotron and gyrosynchrotron emission mechanisms, although synchrotron is favored given the linear polarization signal. This would imply that the emission must be occurring in a low density environment of only modest magnetic field strength. A deeper understanding of this newly discovered and apparently common stellar flare mechanism awaits more observations with better-studied flare components at other wavelengths.
246 - Woojin Kwon 2015
We present continuum observations at 1.3 and 2.7 mm using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) toward six protoplanetary disks in the Taurus molecular cloud: CI Tau, DL Tau, DO Tau, FT Tau, Haro 6-13, and HL Tau. We co nstrain physical properties of the disks with Bayesian inference using two disk models; flared power-law disk model and flared accretion disk model. Comparing the physical properties, we find that the more extended disks are less flared and that the dust opacity spectral index (beta) is smaller in the less massive disks. In addition, disks with a steeper mid-plane density gradient have a smaller beta, which suggests that grains grow and radially move. Furthermore, we compare the two disk models quantitatively and find that the accretion disk model provides a better fit overall. We also discuss the possibilities of substructures on three extended protoplanetary disks.
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