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Quantitative simulation of temperature dependent magnetization dynamics and equilibrium properties of elemental ferromagnets

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 نشر من قبل Richard Evans
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Atomistic spin model simulations are immensely useful in determining temperature dependent magnetic prop- erties, but are known to give the incorrect dependence of the magnetization on temperature compared to exper- iment owing to their classical origin. We find a single parameter rescaling of thermal fluctuations which gives quantitative agreement of the temperature dependent magnetization between atomistic simulations and experi- ment for the elemental ferromagnets Ni, Fe, Co and Gd. Simulating the sub-picosecond magnetization dynam- ics of Ni under the action of a laser pulse we also find quantitative agreement with experiment in the ultrafast regime. This enables the quantitative determination of temperature dependent magnetic properties allowing for accurate simulations of magnetic materials at all temperatures.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The magnetic behavior of bcc iron nanoclusters, with diameters between 2 and 8 nm, is investigated by means of spin dynamics (SD) simulations coupled to molecular dynamics (MD-SD), using a distance-dependent exchange interaction. Finite-size effects in the total magnetization as well as the influence of the free surface and the surface/core proportion of the nanoclusters are analyzed in detail for a wide temperature range, going beyond the cluster and bulk Curie temperatures. Comparison is made with experimental data and with theoretical models based on the mean-field Ising model adapted to small clusters, and taking into account the influence of low coordinated spins at free surfaces. Our results for the temperature dependence of the average magnetization per atom M(T), including the thermalization of the transnational lattice degrees of freedom, are in very good agreement with available experimental measurements on small Fe nanoclusters. In contrast, significant discrepancies with experiment are observed if the translational degrees of freedom are artificially frozen. The finite-size effects on M(T) are found to be particularly important near the cluster Curie temperature. Simulated magnetization above the Curie temperature scales with cluster size as predicted by models assuming short-range magnetic ordering (SRMO). Analytical approximations to the magnetization as a function of temperature and size are proposed.
The switching dynamics of a single-domain BiFeO$_3$ thin films is investigated through combining the dynamics of polarization and Neel vector. The evolution of the ferroelectric polarization is described by the Landau-Khalatnikov (LK) equation, and t he Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equations for spins in two sublattices to model the time evolution of the antiferromagnetic order (Neel vector) in a G-type antiferromagnet. This work theoretically demonstrates that due to the rotation of the magnetic hard axis following the polarization reversal, the Neel vector can be switched by 180 degrees, while the weak magnetization can remain unchanged. The simulation results are consistent with the ab initio calculation, where the Neel vector rotates during polarization rotation, and also match our calculation of the dynamics of order parameter using Landau-Ginzburg theory. We also find that the switching time of the Neel vector is determined by the speed polarization switching and is predicted to be as short as 30 ps.
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We demonstrate the magnetization reversal features in NiFe/IrMn/NiFe thin-film structures with 40% and 75% relative content of Ni in Permalloy in the temperature range from 80 K to 300 K. At the descending branches of the hysteresis loops, the magnet ization reversal sequence of the two ferromagnetic layers is found to depend on the type of NiFe alloy. In the samples with 75% relative content of Ni, the bottom ferromagnetic layer reverses prior to the top one. On the contrary, in the samples with 40% of Ni, the top ferromagnetic layer reverses prior to the bottom one. These tendencies of magnetization reversal are preserved in the entire range of temperatures. These distinctions can be explained by the morphological and structural differences of interfaces in the samples based on two types of Permalloy.
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