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Optimal linear stability condition for scalar differential equations with distributed delay

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 نشر من قبل Samuel Bernard
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Samuel Bernard

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Linear scalar differential equations with distributed delays appear in the study of the local stability of nonlinear differential equations with feedback, which are common in biology and physics. Negative feedback loops tend to promote oscillations around steady states, and their stability depends on the particular shape of the delay distribution. Since in applications the mean delay is often the only reliable information available about the distribution, it is desirable to find conditions for stability that are independent from the shape of the distribution. We show here that for a given mean delay, the linear equation with distributed delay is asymptotically stable if the associated differential equation with a discrete delay is asymptotically stable. We illustrate this criterion on a compartment model of hematopoietic cell dynamics to obtain sufficient conditions for stability.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study stability of so-called synchronous slowly oscillating periodic solutions (SOPSs) for a system of identical delay differential equations (DDEs) with linear decay and nonlinear delayed negative feedback that are coupled through their nonlinear term. Under a row sum condition on the coupling matrix, existence of a unique SOPS for the corresponding scalar DDE implies existence of a unique synchronous SOPS for the coupled DDEs. However, stability of the SOPS for the scalar DDE does not generally imply stability of the synchronous SOPS for the coupled DDEs. We obtain an explicit formula, depending only on the spectrum of the coupling matrix, the strength of the linear decay and the values of the nonlinear negative feedback function near plus/minus infinity, that determines the stability of the synchronous SOPS in the asymptotic regime where the nonlinear term is heavily weighted. We also treat the special cases of so-called weakly coupled systems, near uniformly coupled systems, and doubly nonnegative coupled systems, in the aforementioned asymptotic regime. Our approach is to estimate the characteristic (Floquet) multipliers for the synchronous SOPS. We first reduce the analysis of the multidimensional variational equation to the analysis of a family of scalar variational-type equations, and then establish limits for an associated family of monodromy-type operators. We illustrate our results with examples of systems of DDEs with mean-field coupling and systems of DDEs arranged in a ring.
Delay mass-action systems provide a model of chemical kinetics when past states influence the current dynamics. In this work, we provide a graph-theoretic condition for delay stability, i.e., linear stability independent of both rate constants and de lay parameters. In particular, the result applies when the system has no delay, implying asymptotic stability for the ODE system. The graph-theoretic condition is about cycles in the directed species-reaction graph of the network, which encodes how different species in the system interact.
We prove the theorem of linearized asymptotic stability for fractional differential equations. More precisely, we show that an equilibrium of a nonlinear Caputo fractional differential equation is asymptotically stable if its linearization at the equ ilibrium is asymptotically stable. As a consequence we extend Lyapunovs first method to fractional differential equations by proving that if the spectrum of the linearization is contained in the sector ${lambda in C : |arg lambda| > frac{alpha pi}{2}}$ where $alpha > 0$ denotes the order of the fractional differential equation, then the equilibrium of the nonlinear fractional differential equation is asymptotically stable.
We give a sufficient condition for exponential stability of a network of lossless telegraphers equations, coupled by linear time-varying boundary conditions. The sufficient conditions is in terms of dissipativity of the couplings, which is natural fo r instance in the context of microwave circuits. Exponential stability is with respect to any $L^p$-norm, $1leq pleqinfty$. This also yields a sufficient condition for exponential stability to a special class of linear time-varying difference delay systems which is quite explicit and tractable. One ingredient of the proof is that $L^p$ exponential stability for such difference delay systems is independent of $p$, thereby reproving in a simpler way some results from [3].
In this paper, a fractional derivative with short-term memory properties is defined, which can be viewed as an extension of Caputo fractional derivative. Then, some properties of the short memory fractional derivative are discussed. Also, a compariso n theorem for a class of short memory fractional systems is shown, via which some relationship between short memory fractional systems and Caputo fractional systems can be established. By applying the comparison theorem and Lyapunov direct method, some sufficient criteria are obtained, which can ensure the asymptotic stability of some short memory fractional equations. Moreover, a special result is presented, by which the stability of some special systems can be judged directly. Finally, three examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the main results.
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