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Partial Hasse invariants on splitting models of Hilbert modular varieties

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 نشر من قبل Liang Xiao
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Let $F$ be a totally real field of degree $g$, and let $p$ be a prime number. We construct $g$ partial Hasse invariants on the characteristic $p$ fiber of the Pappas-Rapoport splitting model of the Hilbert modular variety for $F$ with level prime to $p$, extending the usual partial Hasse invariants defined over the Rapoport locus. In particular, when $p$ ramifies in $F$, we solve the problem of lack of partial Hasse invariants. Using the stratification induced by these generalized partial Hasse invariants on the splitting model, we prove in complete generality the existence of Galois pseudo-representations attached to Hecke eigenclasses of paritious weight occurring in the coherent cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties $mathrm{mod}$ $p^m$, extending a previous result of M. Emerton and the authors which required $p$ to be unramified in $F$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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91 - Rufei Ren , Bin Zhao 2020
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229 - Kirti Joshi , Yichao Zhang 2015
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115 - Zhiyou Wu 2019
We prove that there is a natural plectic weight filtration on the cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties in the spirit of Nekovar and Scholl. This is achieved with the help of Morels work on weight t-structures and a detailed study of partial Froben ius. We prove in particular that the partial Frobenius extends to toroidal and minimal compactifications.
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