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A model for the interaction of high-energy particles in straight and bent crystals implemented in Geant4

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 نشر من قبل Enrico Bagli
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A model for the simulation of orientational effects in straight and bent periodic atomic structures is presented. The continuum potential approximation has been adopted.The model allows the manipulation of particle trajectories by means of straight and bent crystals and the scaling of the cross sections of hadronic and electromagnetic processes for channeled particles. Based on such a model, an extension of the Geant4 toolkit has been developed. The code has been validated against data from channeling experiments carried out at CERN.

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373 - V.G. Baryshevsky 2018
A channelled particle, which moves in a crystal, alongside with electromagnetic interaction also experiences weak interaction with electrons and nuclei, as well as strong interaction with nuclei. Measurements of polarization vector and angular distri bution of particles scattered by axes (planes) of unbent crystal enable to obtain limits for the EDM value and for values of constants describing P- and T-odd interactions. The same measurements also allow studying magnetic dipole moment of charged and neutral particles. Investigation of left-right asymmetry by the use of two unbent crystals makes it possible to measure EDM, MDM and other constants without studying the angular distribution of decay products of scattered particles: it is sufficient to measure the intensity of flow of particles experienced double scattering. Spin precession of channelled particles in bent crystals at the LHC gives unique possibility for measurement of constants determining T-odd, P-odd (CP) violating interactions and P-odd, T-even interactions of baryons with electrons and nucleus (nucleons), similarly to the possibility of measuring electric and magnetic moments of charm, beauty and strange charged baryons. Methods to separate P-noninvariant rotation from the MDM- and EDM-induced (T-odd) spin rotations are discussed.
191 - Tsunehiko N. Kato 2013
When a charged particle moves through a plasma at a speed much higher than the thermal velocity of the plasma, it is subjected to the force of the electrostatic field induced in the plasma by itself and loses its energy. This process is well-known as the stopping power of a plasma. In this paper we show that the same process works in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations as well and the energy loss rate of fast particles due to this process is mainly determined by the number of plasma electrons contained in the electron skin depth volume. However, since there are generally very few particles in that volume in PIC simulations compared with real plasmas, the energy loss effect can be exaggerated significantly and can affect the results. Therefore, especially for the simulations that investigate the particle acceleration processes, the number of particles used in the simulations should be chosen large enough to avoid this artificial energy loss.
53 - V.G. Baryshevsky 2018
Spin precession of channelled particles in bent crystals at the LHC gives unique possibility for measurements as electric and magnetic moments of charm, beauty and strange charged baryons so and constants determining CP ($T_{odd}, P_{odd}$) violation interactions and $P_{odd}, T_{even}$ interactions of baryons with electrons and nucleus (nucleons). For a particle moving in a bent crystal a new effect caused by nonelastic processes arises: in addition to the spin precession around the direction of the effective magnetic field (bend axis), the direction of electric field and the direction of the particle momentum, the spin rotation to the mentioned directions also appears.
156 - Alberto Ruzzon 2010
A symplectic, symmetric, second-order scheme is constructed for particle evolution in a time-dependent field with a fixed spatial step. The scheme is implemented in one space dimension and tested, showing excellent adequacy to experiment analysis.
The quest to understand the fundamental building blocks of nature and their interactions is one of the oldest and most ambitious of human scientific endeavors. Facilities such as CERNs Large Hadron Collider (LHC) represent a huge step forward in this quest. The discovery of the Higgs boson, the observation of exceedingly rare decays of B mesons, and stringent constraints on many viable theories of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) demonstrate the great scientific value of the LHC physics program. The next phase of this global scientific project will be the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) which will collect data starting circa 2026 and continue into the 2030s. The primary science goal is to search for physics beyond the SM and, should it be discovered, to study its details and implications. During the HL-LHC era, the ATLAS and CMS experiments will record circa 10 times as much data from 100 times as many collisions as in LHC Run 1. The NSF and the DOE are planning large investments in detector upgrades so the HL-LHC can operate in this high-rate environment. A commensurate investment in R&D for the software for acquiring, managing, processing and analyzing HL-LHC data will be critical to maximize the return-on-investment in the upgraded accelerator and detectors. The strategic plan presented in this report is the result of a conceptualization process carried out to explore how a potential Scientific Software Innovation Institute (S2I2) for High Energy Physics (HEP) can play a key role in meeting HL-LHC challenges.
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