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Folded potentials in cluster physics - a comparison of Yukawa and Coulomb potentials with Riesz fractional integrals

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 نشر من قبل Richard Herrmann
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف R. Herrmann

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In cluster physics a single particle potential to determine the microscopic part of the total energy of a collective configuration is necessary to calculate the shell- and pairing effects. In this paper we investigate the properties of the Riesz fractional integrals and compare their properties with the standard Coulomb and Yukawa potentials commonly used. It is demonstrated, that Riesz potentials may serve as a promising extension of standard potentials and may be reckoned as a smooth transition from Coulomb to Yukawa like potentials, depending of the fractional parameter $alpha$. For the macroscopic part of the total energy the Riesz potentials treat the Coulomb-, symmetry- and pairing-contributions from a generalized point of view, since they turn out to be similar realizations of the same fractional integral at distinct $alpha$ values.

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66 - Yingzhan Wang 2021
In this paper, we study the general orthogonal Radon transform $R_{p,q}^k$ first studied by R.S Strichartz in cite{Stri}. An sharp existence condition of $R_{p,q}^k f$ on $L^p$-spaces will be given. Then we devote to the relation formulas connecting Strichartz transform $R_{p,q}^k$ and Semyanistyi integrals. We prove the corresponding Fuglede type formulas, through which a number of explicit inversion formulas for $R_{p,q}^k f$ will be given. Different from the inclusion Radon transform and Gonzalez type orthogonal transform, Strichartz transform is more complicated. Our conclusions generalize the corresponding results of the two particular cases above.
For $sgeqslant d$, we obtain the leading term as $Nto infty$ of the maximal weighted $N$-point Riesz $s$-polarization (or Chebyshev constant) for a certain class of $d$-rectifiable compact subsets of $mathbb{R}^p$. This class includes compact subsets of $d$-dimensional $C^1$ manifolds whose boundary relative to the manifold has $mathcal{H}_d$-measure zero, as well as finite unions of such sets when their pairwise intersections have $mathcal{H}_d$-measure zero. We also explicitly find the weak$^*$ limit distribution of asymptotically optimal $N$-point polarization configurations as $Nto infty$.
We study reverse triangle inequalities for Riesz potentials and their connection with polarization. This work generalizes inequalities for sup norms of products of polynomials, and reverse triangle inequalities for logarithmic potentials. The main to ol used in the proofs is the representation for a power of the farthest distance function as a Riesz potential of a unit Borel measure.
210 - M. Ibison 2007
Advanced electromagnetic potentials are indigenous to the classical Maxwell theory. Generally however they are deemed undesirable and are forcibly excluded, destroying the theorys inherent time-symmetry. We investigate the reason for this, pointing o ut that it is not necessary and in some cases is counter-productive. We then focus on the direct-action theory in which the advanced and retarded contributions are present symmetrically, with no opportunity to supplement the particular integral solution of the wave equation with an arbitrary complementary function. One then requires a plausible explanation for the observed broken symmetry that, commonly, is understood cannot be met by the Wheeler-Feynman mechanism because the necessary boundary condition cannot be satisfied in acceptable cosmologies. We take this opportunity to argue that the boundary condition is already met by all expanding cosmologies simply as a result of cosmological red-shift. A consequence is that the cosmological and thermodynamic arrows of time can be equated, the direct action version of EM is preferred, and that advanced potentials are ubiquitous.
54 - H. R. Reiss 2017
Multiple bases are presented for the conclusion that potentials are fundamental in electrodynamics, with electric and magnetic fields as quantities auxiliary to the scalar and vector potentials -- opposite to the conventional ordering. One foundation for the concept of basic potentials and auxiliary fields consists of examples where two sets of gauge-related fields are such that one is physical and the other is erroneous, with the information for the proper choice supplied by the potentials. A major consequence is that a change of gauge is not a unitary transformation in quantum mechanics; a principle heretofore unchallenged. The primacy of potentials over fields leads to the concept of a hierarchy of physical quantities, where potentials and energies are primary, while fields and forces are secondary. Secondary quantities provide less information than do primary quantities. Some criteria by which strong laser fields are judged are based on secondary quantities, making it possible to arrive at inappropriate conclusions. This is exemplified by several field-related misconceptions as diverse as the behavior of charged particles in very low frequency propagating fields, and the fundamental problem of pair production at very high intensities. In each case, an approach based on potentials gives appropriate results, free of ambiguities. The examples encompass classical and quantum phenomena, in relativistic and nonrelativistic conditions. This is a major extension of the quantum-only Aharonov-Bohm effect, both in supporting the primacy of potentials over fields, and also in showing how field-based conceptions can lead to errors in basic applications.
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