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Error reduction technique using covariant approximation and application to nucleon form factor

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 نشر من قبل Eigo Shintani
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We demonstrate the new class of variance reduction techniques for hadron propagator and nucleon isovector form factor in the realistic lattice of $N_f=2+1$ domain-wall fermion. All-mode averaging (AMA) is one of the powerful tools to reduce the statistical noise effectively for wider varieties of observables compared to existing techniques such as low-mode averaging (LMA). We adopt this technique to hadron two-point functions and three-point functions, and compare with LMA and traditional source-shift method in the same ensembles. We observe AMA is much more cost effective in reducing statistical error for these observables.

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106 - A.J. Buchmann 2002
A quark model relation between the neutron charge form factor and the N->Delta charge quadrupole form factor is used to predict the C2/M1 ratio in the N->Delta transition from the elastic neutron form factor data. Excellent agreement with the electro -pionproduction data is found, indicating the validity of the suggested relation. The implication of the negative C2/M1 ratio for the intrinsic deformation of the nucleon is discussed.
The nucleon axial form factor is a dominant contribution to errors in neutrino oscillation studies. Lattice QCD calculations can help control theory errors by providing first-principles information on nucleon form factors. In these proceedings, we pr esent preliminary results on a blinded calculation of $g_A$ and the axial form factor using HISQ staggered baryons with 2+1+1 flavors of sea quarks. Calculations are done using physical light quark masses and are absolutely normalized. We discuss fitting form factor data with the model-independent $z$ expansion parametrization.
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We present a new class of statistical error reduction techniques for Monte-Carlo simulations. Using covariant symmetries, we show that correlation functions can be constructed from inexpensive approximations without introducing any systematic bias in the final result. We introduce a new class of covariant approximation averaging techniques, known as all-mode averaging (AMA), in which the approximation takes account of contributions of all eigenmodes through the inverse of the Dirac operator computed from the conjugate gradient method with a relaxed stopping condition. In this paper we compare the performance and computational cost of our new method with traditional methods using correlation functions and masses of the pion, nucleon, and vector meson in $N_f=2+1$ lattice QCD using domain-wall fermions. This comparison indicates that AMA significantly reduces statistical errors in Monte-Carlo calculations over conventional methods for the same cost.
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