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Effect of the indium addition on the superconducting property and the impurity phase in polycrystalline SmFeAsO1-xFx

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 نشر من قبل Masaya Fujioka
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report enhancement in the magnetic critical current density of indium added polycrystalline SmFeAsO1-xFx. The value of magnetic Jc is around 25 kA/cm2 at 4.2 K under self-magnetic field. Polycrystalline SmFeAsO1-xFx is mainly composed of the superconducting grains and a little of amorphous FeAs compounds. These areas randomly co-exist and amorphous areas are located between superconducting grains. Therefore, the superconducting current is prevented by the amorphous areas. In this study, it is found that indium addition to polycrystalline SmFeAsO1-xFx removes these amorphous areas and induces the bringing together the superconducting grains. It means the total contact surfaces of grains are increased. We suggest that the enhancement of the magnetic critical current density is a direct effect of the indium addition.

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SmFeAsO1-xFx tapes were prepared using three kinds of starting materials. It shows that the starting materials have an obvious effect on the impurity phases in final superconducting tapes. Compared with the other samples, the samples fabricated by Sm As, FeO, Fe2As, and SmF3 have the smallest arsenide impurity phase and voids. As a result, these samples possess much denser structure and better grain connectivity. Moreover, among the three kinds of samples fabricated in this work, this kind of sample has the highest zero-resistivity temperature ~40 K and largest critical current density ~4600 A/cm^2 in self-field at 4.2 K. This is the highest Jc values reported so far for SmFeAsO1-xFx wires and tapes.
141 - Y. Ding , Y. Sun , J. C. Zhuang 2011
A series of polycrystalline SmFeAs1-xOx bulks was prepared to systematically investigate the influence of sample density on flux pinning properties. Different sample densities were achieved by controlling the pelletizing pressure. The superconducting volume fraction, the critical current densities Jcm and the flux pinning force densities Fp were estimated from the magnetization measurements. Experimental results manifest that: (1) the superconducting volume fraction decreases with the decreasing of sample density. (2) The Jcm values have the similar trend except for the sample with very high density may due to different connectivity and pinning mechanism. Moreover, The Jcm(B) curve develops a peak effect at approximately the same field at which the high-density sample shows a kink. (3) The Fp(B) curve of the high-density sample shows a low-field peak and a high-field peak at several temperatures, which can be explained by improved intergranular current, while only one peak can be observed in Fp(B) of the low-density samples. Based on the scaling behaviour of flux pinning force densities, the main intragranular pinning is normal point pinning.
We have studied the structural and electronic phase diagrams of CeFeAsO1-xFx and SmFeAsO1-xFx by a detailed analysis of muon spin relaxation experiments, synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy, electrical resistivity, specific heat, an d magnetic susceptibility measurements (Full abstract in the main document).
212 - R. H. Liu , T. Wu , G. Wu 2009
The recent discovery of superconductivity in oxypnictides with the critical temperature (TC) higher than McMillan limit of 39 K (the theoretical maximum predicted by Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory) has generated great excitement. Theoretical calculations indicate that the electron-phonon interaction is not strong enough to give rise to such high transition temperatures, while strong ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic fluctuations have been proposed to be responsible. However, superconductivity and magnetism in pnictide superconductors show a strong sensitivity to the lattice, suggesting a possibility of unconventional electron-phonon coupling. Here we report the effect of oxygen and iron isotopic mass on Tc and the spin-density wave (SDW) transition temperature (TSDW) in SmFeAsO1-xFx and Ba1-xKxFe2As2 systems. The results show that oxygen isotope effect on TC and TSDW is very little, while the iron isotope exponent alpha=-dlnTc/dlnM is about 0.35, being comparable to 0.5 for the full isotope effect. Surprisingly, the iron isotope exchange shows the same effect on TSDW as TCc These results indicate that electron-phonon interaction plays some role in the superconducting mechanism, but simple electron-phonon coupling mechanism seems to be rather unlikely because a strong magnon-phonon coupling is included. Sorting out the interplay between the lattice and magnetic degrees of freedom is a key challenge for understanding the mechanism of high-TC superconductivity.
We investigated the influence of different Ag additions (up to 10 wt %) on the superconducting properties of FeSe0.94. The structural investigations (XRD and SEM) indicated that Ag is present in three different forms. Ag at grain boundaries supports the excellent intergrain connections and reduces superconducting transition width to values smaller than 1K at B=0 and smaller than 2.74 K at B=14 T. Ag insertion in the crystal lattice unit cell provides additional carriers and changes the electron hole imbalance in FeSe0.94. This results in an increase in the magnetoresistive effect (MR) and critical temperature (Tc). Reacted Ag forms a small amount (~1%) of Ag2Se impurity phase, which may increase the pinning energy in comparison with that of the undoped sample. The enhanced upper critical field (Bc2) is also a result of the increased impurity scattering. Thus, unlike cuprates Ag addition enhances the Tc, Bc2, pinning energy and MR making the properties of polycrystalline FeSe0.94 similar to those of single crystals.
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