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Angular and spatial clustering of photometrically classified quasar candidates from SDSS NBCKDE

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 نشر من قبل Ganna Ivashchenko
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The present paper analyses the quasar clustering using the two-point correlation function (2pCF) and the largest existing sample of photometrically selected quasars: the SDSS NBCKDE catalogue (from the SDSS DR6). A new technique of random catalogue generation was developed for this purpose, that allows to take into account the original homogeneity of the survey without knowledge of its imaging mask. When averaged over photometrical redshifts 0.8<z_phot<2.2 the 2pCF of photometrically selected quasars is found to be approximated well with the power law w(theta)=(theta/theta_0)^{-alpha} with theta_0=4.5+/-1.4, alpha=0.94+/-0.06 over the range 1<theta<40. It agrees well with previous results by Myers et al. (2006,2007), obtained for samples of NBCKDE quasars with similar mean z_phot, but averaged over broader z_phot range. The parameters of the deprojected 2pCF averaged over the same z_phot range and modelled with a power law xi(r)=(r/r_0)^{-gamma}, are r_0=7.81^{+1.18}_{-1.16} Mpc/h, gamma=1.94+/-0.06, which are in perfect agreement with previous results from spectroscopic surveys. We confirm the evidence for an increase of the clustering amplitude with z, and find no evidence for luminosity dependence of the quasar clustering. The latter is consistent with the models of the quasar formation, in which bright and faint quasars are assumed to be similar sources, hosted by dark matter halos of similar masses, but observed at different stages of their evolution. Comparison of our results with studies of the X-ray selected AGNs with similar z shows that the clustering amplitude of optically selected quasars is similar to that of X-ray selected quasars, but lower than that of samples of all X-ray selected AGNs. As the samples of all X-ray selected AGNs contain AGNs of both types, our result serves as an evidence for different types of AGNs to reside in different environments.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present the cosmological analysis of 752 photometrically-classified Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained from the full Sloan Digital Sky Survey II (SDSS-II) Supernova (SN) Survey, supplemented with host-galaxy spectroscopy from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). Our photometric-classification method is based on the SN typing technique of Sako et al. (2011), aided by host galaxy redshifts (0.05<z<0.55). SNANA simulations of our methodology estimate that we have a SN Ia typing efficiency of 70.8%, with only 3.9% contamination from core-collapse (non-Ia) SNe. We demonstrate that this level of contamination has no effect on our cosmological constraints. We quantify and correct for our selection effects (e.g., Malmquist bias) using simulations. When fitting to a flat LambdaCDM cosmological model, we find that our photometric sample alone gives omega_m=0.24+0.07-0.05 (statistical errors only). If we relax the constraint on flatness, then our sample provides competitive joint statistical constraints on omega_m and omega_lambda, comparable to those derived from the spectroscopically-confirmed three-year Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS3). Using only our data, the statistics-only result favors an accelerating universe at 99.96% confidence. Assuming a constant wCDM cosmological model, and combining with H0, CMB and LRG data, we obtain w=-0.96+0.10-0.10, omega_m=0.29+0.02-0.02 and omega_k=0.00+0.03-0.02 (statistical errors only), which is competitive with similar spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia analyses. Overall this comparison is re-assuring, considering the lower redshift leverage of the SDSS-II SN sample (z<0.55) and the lack of spectroscopic confirmation used herein. These results demonstrate the potential of photometrically-classified SNe Ia samples in improving cosmological constraints.
We measure the projected spatial correlation function w_p(r_p) from a large sample combining GALEX ultraviolet imaging with the SDSS spectroscopic sample. We study the dependence of the clustering strength for samples selected on (NUV - r)_abs color, specific star formation rate (SSFR), and stellar mass. We find that there is a smooth transition in the clustering of galaxies as a function of this color from weak clustering among blue galaxies to stronger clustering for red galaxies. The clustering of galaxies within the green valley has an intermediate strength, and is consistent with that expected from galaxy groups. The results are robust to the correction for dust extinction. The comparison with simple analytical modeling suggests that the halo occupation number increases with older star formation epochs. When splitting according to SSFR, we find that the SSFR is a more sensitive tracer of environment than stellar mass.
The efficient classification of different types of supernova is one of the most important problems for observational cosmology. However, spectroscopic confirmation of most objects in upcoming photometric surveys, such as the The Rubin Observatory Leg acy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), will be unfeasible. The development of automated classification processes based on photometry has thus become crucial. In this paper we investigate the performance of machine learning (ML) classification on the final cosmological constraints using simulated lightcurves from The Supernova Photometric Classification Challenge, released in 2010. We study the use of different feature sets for the lightcurves and many different ML pipelines based on either decision tree ensembles or automated search processes. To construct the final catalogs we propose a threshold selection method, by employing a emph{Bias-Variance tradeoff}. This is a very robust and efficient way to minimize the Mean Squared Error. With this method we were able to get very strong cosmological constraints, which allowed us to keep $sim 75%$ of the total information in the type Ia SNe when using the SALT2 feature set and $sim 33%$ for the other cases (based on either the Newling model or on standard wavelet decomposition).
Following a quasi model-independent approach we measure the transversal BAO mode at high redshift using the two-point angular correlation function (2PACF). The analyses done here are only possible now with the quasar catalogue from the twelfth data r elease (DR12Q) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, because it is spatially dense enough to allow the measurement of the angular BAO signature with moderate statistical significance and acceptable precision. Our analyses with quasars in the redshift interval z = [2.20,2.25] produce the angular BAO scale theta_BAO = 1.77 +- 0.31 deg with a statistical significance of 2.12 sigma (i.e., 97% confidence level), calculated through a likelihood analysis performed using the theoretical covariance matrix sourced by the analytical power spectra expected in the LCDM concordance model. Additionally, we show that the BAO signal is robust -although with less statistical significance- under diverse bin-size choices and under small displacements of the quasars angular coordinates. Finally, we also performed cosmological parameter analyses comparing the theta_BAO predictions for wCDM and w(a)CDM models with angular BAO data available in the literature, including the measurement obtained here, jointly with CMB data. The constraints on the parameters Omega_M, w_0 and w_a are in excellent agreement with the LCDM concordance model.
The angular correlation function is a powerful tool for deriving the clustering properties of AGN and hence the mass of the corresponding dark matter halos in which they reside. However, studies based on the application of the angular correlation fun ction on X-ray samples, yield results apparently inconsistent with those based on the direct estimation of the spatial correlation function. The goal of the present paper is to attempt to investigate this issue by analysing a well defined sample. To this end we use the hard-band (2-10 keV) X-ray selected sources of the Chandra AEGIS fields, chosen because of the availability of accurately derived flux sensitivity maps. In particular we use the 186 hard-band sources with spectroscopic redshifts in the range z=0.3-1.3, a range selected in order to contain the bulk of the AGN while minimizing the contribution of unknown clustering and luminosity evolution from very high redshifts. Using the projected spatial auto-correlation function, we derive a clustering comoving length of 5.4+-1.0 Mpc (for gamma=1.8), consistent with results in the literature. We further derive the angular correlation function and the corresponding spatial clustering length using the Limbers inversion equation and a novel parametrization of the clustering evolution model that also takes into account the bias evolution of the host dark matter halo. The Limbers inverted spatial comoving clustering length of 5.5+-1.2 Mpc at a median redshift of z~0.75, matches the directly measured one, from the spatial correlation function analysis, but for a significant non-linear contribution to the growing mode of perturbations, estimated independently from literature results of x_0 at different redshifts. Therefore, using this sample of X-ray AGN and our clustering evolution parametrization we have found an excellent consistency between the angular and spatial clustering analysis.
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