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Approaching the maximal monotonicity of bifunctions via representative functions

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 نشر من قبل Sorin-Mihai Grad
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We provide an approach to maximal monotone bifunctions based on the theory of representative functions. Thus we extend to nonreflexive Banach spaces recent results due to A.N. Iusem and, respectively, N. Hadjisavvas and H. Khatibzadeh, where sufficient conditions guaranteeing the maximal monotonicity of bifunctions were introduced. New results involving the sum of two monotone bifunctions are also presented.

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In this note we provide regularity conditions of closedness type which guarantee some surjectivity results concerning the sum of two maximal monotone operators by using representative functions. The first regularity condition we give guarantees the s urjectivity of the monotone operator $S(cdot + p)+T(cdot)$, where $pin X$ and $S$ and $T$ are maximal monotone operators on the reflexive Banach space $X$. Then, this is used to obtain sufficient conditions for the surjectivity of $S+T$ and for the situation when $0$ belongs to the range of $S+T$. Several special cases are discussed, some of them delivering interesting byproducts.
Recently, the authors studied the connection between each maximal monotone operator T and a family H(T) of convex functions. Each member of this family characterizes the operator and satisfies two particular inequalities. The aim of this paper is t o establish the converse of the latter fact. Namely, that every convex function satisfying those two particular inequalities is associated to a unique maximal monotone operator.
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In this paper we propose a new methodology to represent the results of the robust ordinal regression approach by means of a family of representative value functions for which, taken two alternatives $a$ and $b$, the following two conditions are satis fied: 1) if for all compatible value functions $a$ is evaluated not worse than $b$ and for at least one value function $a$ has a better evaluation, then the evaluation of $a$ is greater than the evaluation of $b$ for all representative value functions; 2) if there exists one compatible value function giving $a$ an evaluation greater than $b$ and another compatible value function giving $a$ an evaluation smaller than $b$, then there are also at least one representative function giving a better evaluation to $a$ and another representative value function giving $a$ an evaluation smaller than $b$. This family of representative value functions intends to provide the Decision Maker (DM) a more clear idea of the preferences obtained by the compatible value functions, with the aim to support the discussion in constructive approach of Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding.
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