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Observations of dusty torii and compact disks around evolved stars: the high spatial resolution IR view

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 نشر من قبل Olivier Chesneau
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Olivier Chesneau

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The recent high angular resolution observations have shown that the transition between a globally symmetrical giant and a source surrounded by a spatially complex environment occurs relatively early, as soon as the external layers of the stars are not tightly bound to the core of the star anymore. In this review, the emphasis will be put on the delineating the differences between the torus and disk classification through the presentation of many examples of near-IR and mid-IR high angular resolution observations. These examples cover the disks discovered in the core of some bipolar nebulae, post-AGB disks, the dusty environment around born-again stars and recent novae, and also the disks encountered around more massive evolved sources. We discuss the broad range of circumstances and time scales for which bipolar nebulae with disks are observed.

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The physical structures of the outer atmospheres of red giants are not known. They are certainly complex and a range of recent observations are showing that we need to embrace to non-classical atmosphere models to interpret these regions. This region s properties is of importance, not the least, for the understanding of the mass-loss mechanism for these stars, which is not still understood. Here, we present observational constraints of the outer regions of red giants, based on mid-IR, high spectral resolution spectra. We also discuss possible non-LTE effects and highlight a new non-LTE code that will be used to analyse the spectra of these atmospheric layers. We conclude by mentioning our new SOFIA/EXES observations of red giants at 6 microns, where the vibration-rotation lines of water vapour can be detected and spectrally resolved for the first time.
The new generation of VLTI instruments (GRAVITY, MATISSE) aims to produce routinely interferometric images to uncover the morphological complexity of different objects at high angular resolution. Image reconstruction is, however, not a fully automate d process. Here we focus on a specific science case, namely the complex circumbinary environments of a subset of evolved binaries, for which interferometric imaging provides the spatial resolution required to resolve the immediate circumbinary environment. Indeed, many binaries where the main star is in the post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) phase are surrounded by circumbinary disks. Those disks were first inferred from the infrared excess produced by dust. Snapshot interferometric observations in the infrared confirmed disk-like morphology and revealed high spatial complexity of the emission that the use of geometrical models could not recover without being strongly biased. Arguably, the most convincing proof of the disk-like shape of the circumbinary environment came from the first interferometric image of such a system (IRAS08544-4431) using the PIONIER instrument at the VLTI. This image was obtained using the SPARCO image reconstruction approach that enables to subtract a model of a component of the image and reconstruct an image of its environment only. In the case of IRAS08544-4431, the model involved a binary and the image of the remaining signal revealed several unexpected features. Then, a second image revealed a different but also complex circumstellar morphology around HD101584 that was well studied by ALMA. To exploit the VLTI imaging capability to understand these targets, we started a large program at the VLTI to image post-AGB binary systems using both PIONIER and GRAVITY instruments.
Only a few percent of cool, old white dwarfs (WDs) have infrared excesses interpreted as originating in small hot disks due to the infall and destruction of single asteroids that come within the stars Roche limit. Infrared excesses at 24 micron were also found to derive from the immediate vicinity of younger, hot WDs, most of which are still central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN). The incidence of CSPN with this excess is 18%. The Helix CSPN, with a 24 micron excess, has been suggested to have a disk formed from collisions of Kuiper belt-like objects (KBOs). In this paper, we have analyzed an additional sample of CSPN to look for similar infrared excesses. These CSPN are all members of the PG 1159 class and were chosen because their immediate progenitors are known to often have dusty environments consistent with large dusty disks. We find that, overall, PG 1159 stars do not present such disks more often than other CSPN, although the statistics (5 objects) are poor. We then consider the entire sample of CSPN with infrared excesses, and compare it to the infrared properties of old WDs, as well as cooler post-AGB stars. We conclude with the suggestion that the infrared properties of CSPN more plausibly derive from AGB-formed disks rather than disks formed via the collision of KBOs, although the latter scenario cannot be ruled out. We finally remark that there seems to be an association between CSPN with a 24 micron excess and confirmed or possible binarity of the central star.
We used chromospheric activity to determine the ages of 2,820 field stars.. We searched these stars for excess emission at 22 um with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer. Such excess emission is indicative of a dusty debris disk around a star. We investigated how disk incidence trends with various stellar parameters, and how these parameters evolve with time. We found 22 um excesses around 98 stars (a detection rate of 3.5%). Seventy-four of these 98 excess sources are presented here for the first time. We also measured the abundance of lithium in 8 dusty stars in order to test our stellar age estimates.
We summarize some of the compelling new scientific opportunities for understanding stars and stellar systems that can be enabled by sub-milliarcsec (sub-mas) angular resolution, UV-Optical spectral imaging observations, which can reveal the details o f the many dynamic processes (e.g., evolving magnetic fields, accretion, convection, shocks, pulsations, winds, and jets) that affect stellar formation, structure, and evolution. These observations can only be provided by long-baseline interferometers or sparse aperture telescopes in space, since the aperture diameters required are in excess of 500 m (a regime in which monolithic or segmented designs are not and will not be feasible) and since they require observations at wavelengths (UV) not accessible from the ground. Such observational capabilities would enable tremendous gains in our understanding of the individual stars and stellar systems that are the building blocks of our Universe and which serve as the hosts for life throughout the Cosmos.
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