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Group-finding with photometric redshifts: The Photo-z Probability Peaks algorithm

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 نشر من قبل Bryan Gillis
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a galaxy group-finding algorithm, the Photo-z Probability Peaks (P3) algorithm, optimized for locating small galaxy groups using photometric redshift data by searching for peaks in the signal-to-noise of the local overdensity of galaxies in a three-dimensional grid. This method is an improvement over similar two-dimensional matched-filter methods in reducing background contamination through the use of redshift information, allowing it to accurately detect groups at lower richness. We present the results of tests of our algorithm on galaxy catalogues from the Millennium Simulation. Using a minimum S/N of 3 for detected groups, a group aperture size of 0.25 Mpc/h, and assuming photometric redshift accuracy of sigma_z = 0.05 it attains a purity of 84% and detects ~295 groups/deg.^2 with an average group richness of 8.6 members. Assuming photometric redshift accuracy of sigma_z = 0.02, it attains a purity of 97% and detects ~143 groups/deg.^2 with an average group richness of 12.5 members. We also test our algorithm on data available for the COSMOS field and the presently-available fields from the CFHTLS-Wide survey, presenting preliminary results of this analysis.

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We conduct a comprehensive study of the effects of incorporating galaxy morphology information in photometric redshift estimation. Using machine learning methods, we assess the changes in the scatter and catastrophic outlier fraction of photometric r edshifts when galaxy size, ellipticity, S{e}rsic index and surface brightness are included in training on galaxy samples from the SDSS and the CFHT Stripe-82 Survey (CS82). We show that by adding galaxy morphological parameters to full $ugriz$ photometry, only mild improvements are obtained, while the gains are substantial in cases where fewer passbands are available. For instance, the combination of $grz$ photometry and morphological parameters almost fully recovers the metrics of $5$-band photometric redshifts. We demonstrate that with morphology it is possible to determine useful redshift distribution $N(z)$ of galaxy samples without any colour information. We also find that the inclusion of quasar redshifts and associated object sizes in training improves the quality of photometric redshift catalogues, compensating for the lack of a good star-galaxy separator. We further show that morphological information can mitigate biases and scatter due to bad photometry. As an application, we derive both point estimates and posterior distributions of redshifts for the official CS82 catalogue, training on morphology and SDSS Stripe-82 $ugriz$ bands when available. Our redshifts yield a 68th percentile error of $0.058(1+z)$, and a catastrophic outlier fraction of $5.2$ per cent. We further include a deep extension trained on morphology and single $i$-band CS82 photometry.
We present an enhanced version of the multiwavelength spectral modeling code MAGPHYS that allows the estimation of galaxy photometric redshift and physical properties (e.g., stellar mass, star formation rate, dust attenuation) simultaneously, togethe r with robust characterization of their uncertainties. The self-consistent modeling over ultraviolet to radio wavelengths in MAGPHYS+photo-z is unique compared to standard photometric redshift codes. The broader wavelength consideration is particularly useful for breaking certain degeneracies in color vs. redshift for dusty galaxies with limited observer-frame ultraviolet and optical data (or upper limits). We demonstrate the success of the code in estimating redshifts and physical properties for over 4,000 infrared-detected galaxies at 0.4<z<6.0 in the COSMOS field with robust spectroscopic redshifts. We achieve high photo-z precision ($sigma_{Delta z/(1+z_{spec})}lesssim0.04$), high accuracy (i.e., minimal offset biases; median$(Delta z/(1+z_{spec}))lesssim0.02$), and low catastrophic failure rates ($etasimeq4%$) over all redshifts. Interestingly, we find that a weak 2175A absorption feature in the attenuation curve models is required to remove a subtle systematic photo-z offset ($z_{phot}-z_{spec}simeq-0.03$) that occurs when this feature is not included. As expected, the accuracy of derived physical properties in MAGPHYS+photo-z decreases strongly as redshift uncertainty increases. The all-in-one treatment of uncertainties afforded with this code is beneficial for accurately interpreting physical properties of galaxies in large photometric datasets. Finally, we emphasize that MAGPHYS+photo-z is not intended to replace existing photo-z codes, but rather offer flexibility to robustly interpret physical properties when spectroscopic redshifts are unavailable. The MAGPHYS+photo-z code is publicly available online.
Forming a three dimensional view of the Universe is a long-standing goal of astronomical observations, and one that becomes increasingly difficult at high redshift. In this paper we discuss how tomography of the intergalactic medium (IGM) at $zsimeq 2.5$ can be used to estimate the redshifts of massive galaxies in a large volume of the Universe based on spectra of galaxies in their background. Our method is based on the fact that hierarchical structure formation leads to a strong dependence of the halo density on large-scale environment. A map of the latter can thus be used to refine our knowledge of the redshifts of halos and the galaxies and AGN which they host. We show that tomographic maps of the IGM at a resolution of $2.5,h^{-1}$Mpc can determine the redshifts of more than 90 per cent of massive galaxies with redshift uncertainty $Delta z/(1+z)=0.01$. Higher resolution maps allow such redshift estimation for lower mass galaxies and halos.
In this paper we present and characterize a nearest-neighbors color-matching photometric redshift estimator that features a direct relationship between the precision and accuracy of the input magnitudes and the output photometric redshifts. This aspe ct makes our estimator an ideal tool for evaluating the impact of changes to LSST survey parameters that affect the measurement errors of the photometry, which is the main motivation of our work (i.e., it is not intended to provide the best photometric redshifts for LSST data). We show how the photometric redshifts will improve with time over the 10-year LSST survey and confirm that the nominal distribution of visits per filter provides the most accurate photo-$z$ results. The LSST survey strategy naturally produces observations over a range of airmass, which offers the opportunity of using an SED- and $z$-dependent atmospheric affect on the observed photometry as a color-independent redshift indicator. We show that measuring this airmass effect and including it as a prior has the potential to improve the photometric redshifts and can ameliorate extreme outliers, but that it will only be adequately measured for the brightest galaxies, which limits its overall impact on LSST photometric redshifts. We furthermore demonstrate how this airmass effect can induce a bias in the photo-$z$ results, and caution against survey strategies that prioritize high-airmass observations for the purpose of improving this prior. Ultimately, we intend for this work to serve as a guide for the expectations and preparations of the LSST science community with regards to the minimum quality of photo-$z$ as the survey progresses.
We have revised the SWIRE Photometric Redshift Catalogue to take account of new optical photometry in several of the SWIRE areas, and incorporating 2MASS and UKIDSS near infrared data. Aperture matching is an important issue for combining near infrar ed and optical data, and we have explored a number of methods of doing this. The increased number of photometric bands available for the redshift solution results in improvements both in the rms error and, especially, in the outlier rate. We have also found that incorporating the dust torus emission into the QSO templates improves the performance for QSO redshift estimation. Our revised redshift catalogue contains over 1 million extragalactic objects, of which 26288 are QSOs.
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