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Revised SWIRE photometric redshifts

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 نشر من قبل M. Rowan-Robinson
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have revised the SWIRE Photometric Redshift Catalogue to take account of new optical photometry in several of the SWIRE areas, and incorporating 2MASS and UKIDSS near infrared data. Aperture matching is an important issue for combining near infrared and optical data, and we have explored a number of methods of doing this. The increased number of photometric bands available for the redshift solution results in improvements both in the rms error and, especially, in the outlier rate. We have also found that incorporating the dust torus emission into the QSO templates improves the performance for QSO redshift estimation. Our revised redshift catalogue contains over 1 million extragalactic objects, of which 26288 are QSOs.

قيم البحث

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We present the SWIRE Photometric Redshift Catalogue, 1025119 redshifts of unprecedented reliability and accuracy. Our method is based on fixed galaxy and QSO templates applied to data at 0.36-4.5 mu, and on a set of 4 infrared emission templates fitt ed to infrared excess data at 3.6-170 mu. The code involves two passes through the data, to try to optimize recognition of AGN dust tori. A few carefully justified priors are used and are the key to supression of outliers. Extinction, A_V, is allowed as a free parameter. We use a set of 5982 spectroscopic redshifts, taken from the literature and from our own spectroscopic surveys, to analyze the performance of our method as a function of the number of photometric bands used in the solution and the reduced chi^2. For 7 photometric bands the rms value of (z_{phot}-z_{spec})/(1+z_{spec}) is 3.5%, and the percentage of catastrophic outliers is ~1%. We discuss the redshift distributions at 3.6 and 24 mu. In individual fields, structure in the redshift distribution corresponds to clusters which can be seen in the spectroscopic redshift distribution. 10% of sources in the SWIRE photometric redshift catalogue have z >2, and 4% have z>3, so this catalogue is a huge resource for high redshift galaxies. A key parameter for understanding the evolutionary status of infrared galaxies is L_{ir}/L_{opt}, which can be interpreted as the specific star-formation rate for starbursts. For dust tori around Type 1 AGN, L_{tor}/L_{opt} is a measure of the torus covering factor and we deduce a mean covering factor of 40%.
Precision photometric redshifts will be essential for extracting cosmological parameters from the next generation of wide-area imaging surveys. In this paper we introduce a photometric redshift algorithm, ArborZ, based on the machine-learning techniq ue of Boosted Decision Trees. We study the algorithm using galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and from mock catalogs intended to simulate both the SDSS and the upcoming Dark Energy Survey. We show that it improves upon the performance of existing algorithms. Moreover, the method naturally leads to the reconstruction of a full probability density function (PDF) for the photometric redshift of each galaxy, not merely a single best estimate and error, and also provides a photo-z quality figure-of-merit for each galaxy that can be used to reject outliers. We show that the stacked PDFs yield a more accurate reconstruction of the redshift distribution N(z). We discuss limitations of the current algorithm and ideas for future work.
Forming a three dimensional view of the Universe is a long-standing goal of astronomical observations, and one that becomes increasingly difficult at high redshift. In this paper we discuss how tomography of the intergalactic medium (IGM) at $zsimeq 2.5$ can be used to estimate the redshifts of massive galaxies in a large volume of the Universe based on spectra of galaxies in their background. Our method is based on the fact that hierarchical structure formation leads to a strong dependence of the halo density on large-scale environment. A map of the latter can thus be used to refine our knowledge of the redshifts of halos and the galaxies and AGN which they host. We show that tomographic maps of the IGM at a resolution of $2.5,h^{-1}$Mpc can determine the redshifts of more than 90 per cent of massive galaxies with redshift uncertainty $Delta z/(1+z)=0.01$. Higher resolution maps allow such redshift estimation for lower mass galaxies and halos.
Upcoming imaging surveys, such as LSST, will provide an unprecedented view of the Universe, but with limited resolution along the line-of-sight. Common ways to increase resolution in the third dimension, and reduce misclassifications, include observi ng a wider wavelength range and/or combining the broad-band imaging with higher spectral resolution data. The challenge with these approaches is matching the depth of these ancillary data with the original imaging survey. However, while a full 3D map is required for some science, there are many situations where only the statistical distribution of objects (dN/dz) in the line-of-sight direction is needed. In such situations, there is no need to measure the fluxes of individual objects in all of the surveys. Rather a stacking procedure can be used to perform an `ensemble photo-z. We show how a shallow, higher spectral resolution survey can be used to measure dN/dz for stacks of galaxies which coincide in a deeper, lower resolution survey. The galaxies in the deeper survey do not even need to appear individually in the shallow survey. We give a toy model example to illustrate tradeoffs and considerations for applying this method. This approach will allow deep imaging surveys to leverage the high resolution of spectroscopic and narrow/medium band surveys underway, even when the latter do not have the same reach to high redshift.
75 - Kristen Menou 2018
Machine learning (ML) is a standard approach for estimating the redshifts of galaxies when only photometric information is available. ML photo-z solutions have traditionally ignored the morphological information available in galaxy images or partly i ncluded it in the form of hand-crafted features, with mixed results. We train a morphology-aware photometric redshift machine using modern deep learning tools. It uses a custom architecture that jointly trains on galaxy fluxes, colors and images. Galaxy-integrated quantities are fed to a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) branch while images are fed to a convolutional (convnet) branch that can learn relevant morphological features. This split MLP-convnet architecture, which aims to disentangle strong photometric features from comparatively weak morphological ones, proves important for strong performance: a regular convnet-only architecture, while exposed to all available photometric information in images, delivers comparatively poor performance. We present a cross-validated MLP-convnet model trained on 130,000 SDSS-DR12 galaxies that outperforms a hyperoptimized Gradient Boosting solution (hyperopt+XGBoost), as well as the equivalent MLP-only architecture, on the redshift bias metric. The 4-fold cross-validated MLP-convnet model achieves a bias $delta z / (1+z) =-0.70 pm 1 times 10^{-3} $, approaching the performance of a reference ANNZ2 ensemble of 100 distinct models trained on a comparable dataset. The relative performance of the morphology-aware and morphology-blind models indicates that galaxy morphology does improve ML-based photometric redshift estimation.
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