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Charged-Particle and Neutron-Capture Processes in the High-Entropy Wind of Core-Collapse Supernovae

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 نشر من قبل Khalil Farouqi
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The astrophysical site of the r-process is still uncertain, and a full exploration of the systematics of this process in terms of its dependence on nuclear properties from stability to the neutron drip-line within realistic stellar environments has still to be undertaken. Sufficiently high neutron to seed ratios can only be obtained either in very neutron-rich low-entropy environments or moderately neutron-rich high-entropy environments, related to neutron star mergers (or jets of neutron star matter) and the high-entropy wind of core-collapse supernova explosions. As chemical evolution models seem to disfavor neutron star mergers, we focus here on high-entropy environments characterized by entropy $S$, electron abundance $Y_e$ and expansion velocity $V_{exp}$. We investigate the termination point of charged-particle reactions, and we define a maximum entropy $S_{final}$ for a given $V_{exp}$ and $Y_e$, beyond which the seed production of heavy elements fails due to the very small matter density. We then investigate whether an r-process subsequent to the charged-particle freeze-out can in principle be understood on the basis of the classical approach, which assumes a chemical equilibrium between neutron captures and photodisintegrations, possibly followed by a $beta$-flow equilibrium. In particular, we illustrate how long such a chemical equilibrium approximation holds, how the freeze-out from such conditions affects the abundance pattern, and which role the late capture of neutrons originating from $beta$-delayed neutron emission can play.

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اقرأ أيضاً

241 - L. Huedepohl 2009
An 8.8 solar mass electron-capture supernova (SN) was simulated in spherical symmetry consistently from collapse through explosion to nearly complete deleptonization of the forming neutron star. The evolution time of about 9 s is short because of nuc leon-nucleon correlations in the neutrino opacities. After a brief phase of accretion-enhanced luminosities (~200 ms), luminosity equipartition among all species becomes almost perfect and the spectra of electron antineutrinos and muon/tau antineutrinos very similar. We discuss consequences for the neutrino-driven wind as a nucleosynthesis site and for flavor oscillations of SN neutrinos.
In the last decade there has been a remarkable increase in our knowledge about core-collapse supernovae (CC-SNe), and the birthplace of neutron stars, from both the observational and the theoretical point of view. Since the 1930s, with the first syst ematic supernova search, the techniques for discovering and studying extragalactic SNe have improved. Many SNe have been observed, and some of them, have been followed through efficiently and with detail. Furthermore, there has been a significant progress in the theoretical modelling of the scenario, boosted by the arrival of new generations of supercomputers that have allowed to perform multidimensional numerical simulations with unprecedented detail and realism. The joint work of observational and theoretical studies of individual SNe over the whole range of the electromagnetic spectrum has allowed to derive physical parameters, which constrain the nature of the progenitor, and the composition and structure of the stars envelope at the time of the explosion. The observed properties of a CC-SN are an imprint of the physical parameters of the explosion such as mass of the ejecta, kinetic energy of the explosion, the mass loss rate, or the structure of the star before the explosion. In this chapter, we review the current status of SNe observations and theoretical modelling, the connection with their progenitor stars, and the properties of the neutron stars left behind.
Electron capture rates on neutron-rich nuclei (A>65) were calculated within the Random Phase Approximation with partial number formalism, including allowed and forbidden transitions. The partial occupation numbers were provided as a function of tempe rature by Shell-Model Monte Carlo calculations, including an pairing+quadrupole interaction. Capture rates on relevent nuclei were calculated for density and temperature conditions during the core collapse of a massive star. It was found that electron captures on nuclei can compete with electron captures on free protons. Furthermore, they produce neutrinos with average energies lower than neutrinos emitted from captures on free protons, with possible consequences on the cooling of the core.
The most important weak nuclear interaction to the dynamics of stellar core collapse is electron capture, primarily on nuclei with masses larger than 60. In prior simulations of core collapse, electron capture on these nuclei has been treated in a hi ghly parameterized fashion, if not ignored. With realistic treatment of electron capture on heavy nuclei come significant changes in the hydrodynamics of core collapse and bounce. We discuss these as well as the ramifications for the post-bounce evolution in core collapse supernovae.
200 - Stephen J. Smartt 2009
Knowledge of the progenitors of core-collapse supernovae is a fundamental component in understanding the explosions. The recent progress in finding such stars is reviewed. The minimum initial mass that can produce a supernova has converged to 8 +/- 1 solar masses, from direct detections of red supergiant progenitors of II-P SNe and the most massive white dwarf progenitors, although this value is model dependent. It appears that most type Ibc supernovae arise from moderate mass interacting binaries. The highly energetic, broad-lined Ic supernovae are likely produced by massive, Wolf-Rayet progenitors. There is some evidence to suggest that the majority of massive stars above ~20 solar masses may collapse quietly to black-holes and that the explosions remain undetected. The recent discovery of a class of ultra-bright type II supernovae and the direct detection of some progenitor stars bearing luminous blue variable characteristics suggests some very massive stars do produce highly energetic explosions. The physical mechanism is open to debate and these SNe pose a challenge to stellar evolutionary theory.
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