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On the Scope of the Universal-Algebraic Approach to Constraint Satisfaction

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 نشر من قبل Barnaby Martin
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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The universal-algebraic approach has proved a powerful tool in the study of the complexity of CSPs. This approach has previously been applied to the study of CSPs with finite or (infinite) omega-categorical templates, and relies on two facts. The first is that in finite or omega-categorical structures A, a relation is primitive positive definable if and only if it is preserved by the polymorphisms of A. The second is that every finite or omega-categorical structure is homomorphically equivalent to a core structure. In this paper, we present generalizations of these facts to infinite structures that are not necessarily omega-categorical. (This abstract has been severely curtailed by the space constraints of arXiv -- please read the full abstract in the article.) Finally, we present applications of our general results to the description and analysis of the complexity of CSPs. In particular, we give general hardness criteria based on the absence of polymorphisms that depend on more than one argument, and we present a polymorphism-based description of those CSPs that are first-order definable (and therefore can be solved in polynomial time).

قيم البحث

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199 - Guilhem Semerjian 2007
The set of solutions of random constraint satisfaction problems (zero energy groundstates of mean-field diluted spin glasses) undergoes several structural phase transitions as the amount of constraints is increased. This set first breaks down into a large number of well separated clusters. At the freezing transition, which is in general distinct from the clustering one, some variables (spins) take the same value in all solutions of a given cluster. In this paper we study the critical behavior around the freezing transition, which appears in the unfrozen phase as the divergence of the sizes of the rearrangements induced in response to the modification of a variable. The formalism is developed on generic constraint satisfaction problems and applied in particular to the random satisfiability of boolean formulas and to the coloring of random graphs. The computation is first performed in random tree ensembles, for which we underline a connection with percolation models and with the reconstruction problem of information theory. The validity of these results for the original random ensembles is then discussed in the framework of the cavity method.
We introduce and study the random locked constraint satisfaction problems. When increasing the density of constraints, they display a broad clustered phase in which the space of solutions is divided into many isolated points. While the phase diagram can be found easily, these problems, in their clustered phase, are extremely hard from the algorithmic point of view: the best known algorithms all fail to find solutions. We thus propose new benchmarks of really hard optimization problems and provide insight into the origin of their typical hardness.
We investigate the impact of modifying the constraining relations of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) instance, with a fixed template, on the set of solutions of the instance. More precisely we investigate sensitive instances: an instance of t he CSP is called sensitive, if removing any tuple from any constraining relation invalidates some solution of the instance. Equivalently, one could require that every tuple from any one of its constraints extends to a solution of the instance. Clearly, any non-trivial template has instances which are not sensitive. Therefore we follow the direction proposed (in the context of strict width) by Feder and Vardi (SICOMP 1999) and require that only the instances produced by a local consistency checking algorithm are sensitive. In the language of the algebraic approach to the CSP we show that a finite idempotent algebra $mathbf{A}$ has a $k+2$ variable near unanimity term operation if and only if any instance that results from running the $(k, k+1)$-consistency algorithm on an instance over $mathbf{A}^2$ is sensitive. A version of our result, without idempotency but with the sensitivity condition holding in a variety of algebras, settles a question posed by G. Bergman about systems of projections of algebras that arise from some subalgebra of a finite product of algebras. Our results hold for infinite (albeit in the case of $mathbf{A}$ idempotent) algebras as well and exhibit a surprising similarity to the strict width $k$ condition proposed by Feder and Vardi. Both conditions can be characterized by the existence of a near unanimity operation, but the arities of the operations differ by 1.
We determine the complexity of several constraint satisfaction problems using the heuristic algorithm, WalkSAT. At large sizes N, the complexity increases exponentially with N in all cases. Perhaps surprisingly, out of all the models studied, the har dest for WalkSAT is the one for which there is a polynomial time algorithm.
We study the phase diagram and the algorithmic hardness of the random `locked constraint satisfaction problems, and compare them to the commonly studied non-locked problems like satisfiability of boolean formulas or graph coloring. The special proper ty of the locked problems is that clusters of solutions are isolated points. This simplifies significantly the determination of the phase diagram, which makes the locked problems particularly appealing from the mathematical point of view. On the other hand we show empirically that the clustered phase of these problems is extremely hard from the algorithmic point of view: the best known algorithms all fail to find solutions. Our results suggest that the easy/hard transition (for currently known algorithms) in the locked problems coincides with the clustering transition. These should thus be regarded as new benchmarks of really hard constraint satisfaction problems.

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