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On the formal grade of finitely generated modules over local rings

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 نشر من قبل Kamran Divaani-Aazar
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Let fa be an ideal of a local ring (R,fm) and M a finitely generated R-module. This paper concerns the notion fgrade(fa,M), the formal grade of M with respect to fa (i.e. the least integer i such that {vpl}_nH^i_{fm}(M/fa^n M) eq 0). We show that fgrade(fa,M)geq depth M-cd_{fa}(M), and as a result, we establish a new characterization of Cohen-Macaulay modules. As an application of this characterization, we show that if M is Cohen-Macaulay and L a pure submodule of M with the same support as M, then fgrade(fa,L)=fgrade(fa,M). Also, we give a generalization of the Hochster-Eagon result on Cohen-Macaulayness of invariant rings.

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اقرأ أيضاً

267 - Amanda Croll 2013
It is proved that the minimal free resolution of a module M over a Gorenstein local ring R is eventually periodic if, and only if, the class of M is torsion in a certain Z[t,t^{-1}]-module associated to R. This module, denoted J(R), is the free Z[t,t ^{-1}]-module on the isomorphism classes of finitely generated R-modules modulo relations reminiscent of those defining the Grothendieck group of R. The main result is a structure theorem for J(R) when R is a complete Gorenstein local ring; the link between periodicity and torsion stated above is a corollary.
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Let $mathbf{k}$ be a field of arbitrary characteristic, let $Lambda$ be a finite dimensional $mathbf{k}$-algebra, and let $V$ be a finitely generated $Lambda$-module. F. M. Bleher and the third author previously proved that $V$ has a well-defined ver sal deformation ring $R(Lambda,V)$. If the stable endomorphism ring of $V$ is isomorphic to $mathbf{k}$, they also proved under the additional assumption that $Lambda$ is self-injective that $R(Lambda,V)$ is universal. In this paper, we prove instead that if $Lambda$ is arbitrary but $V$ is Gorenstein-projective then $R(Lambda,V)$ is also universal when the stable endomorphism ring of $V$ is isomorphic to $mathbf{k}$. Moreover, we show that singular equivalences of Morita type (as introduced by X. W. Chen and L. G. Sun) preserve the isomorphism classes of versal deformation rings of finitely generated Gorenstein-projective modules over Gorenstein algebras. We also provide examples. In particular, if $Lambda$ is a monomial algebra in which there is no overlap (as introduced by X. W. Chen, D. Shen and G. Zhou) we prove that every finitely generated indecomposable Gorenstein-projective $Lambda$-module has a universal deformation ring that is isomorphic to either $mathbf{k}$ or to $mathbf{k}[![t]!]/(t^2)$.
378 - M.E. Rossi , L. Sharifan 2009
Numerical invariants of a minimal free resolution of a module $M$ over a regular local ring $(R, )$ can be studied by taking advantage of the rich literature on the graded case. The key is to fix suitable $ $-stable filtrations ${mathbb M} $ of $M $ and to compare the Betti numbers of $M$ with those of the associated graded module $ gr_{mathbb M}(M). $ This approach has the advantage that the same module $M$ can be detected by using different filtrations on it. It provides interesting upper bounds for the Betti numbers and we study the modules for which the extremal values are attained. Among others, the Koszul modules have this behavior. As a consequence of the main result, we extend some results by Aramova, Conca, Herzog and Hibi on the rigidity of the resolution of standard graded algebras to the local setting.
199 - Francois Couchot 2011
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