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A search for chameleon particles using a photon regeneration technique

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 نشر من قبل Jason Steffen
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A. S. Chou

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We report the first results from the GammeV search for chameleon particles, which may be created via photon-photon interactions within a strong magnetic field. Chameleons are hypothesized scalar fields that could explain the dark energy problem. We implement a novel technique to create and trap the reflective particles within a jar and to detect them later via their afterglow as they slowly convert back into photons. These measurements provide the first experimental constraints on the couplings of chameleons to photons.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We report the first results of the GammeV experiment, a search for milli-eV mass particles with axion-like couplings to two photons. The search is performed using a light shining through a wall technique where incident photons oscillate into new weak ly interacting particles that are able to pass through the wall and subsequently regenerate back into detectable photons. The oscillation baseline of the apparatus is variable, thus allowing probes of different values of particle mass. We find no excess of events above background and are able to constrain the two-photon couplings of possible new scalar (pseudoscalar) particles to be less than 3.1x10^{-7} GeV^{-1} (3.5x10^{-7} GeV^{-1}) in the limit of massless particles.
A search is performed for heavy long-lived charged particles using 3.0 fb$^{-1}$ of pp collisions collected at $sqrt{s}$= 7 and 8 TeV with the LHCb detector. The search is mainly based on the response of the ring imaging Cherenkovdetectors to disting uish the heavy, slow-moving particles from muons. No evidence is found for the production of such long-lived states. The results are expressed as limits on the Drell-Yan production of pairs of long-lived particles, with both particles in the LHCb pseudorapidity acceptance, $1.8 < eta < 4.9$. The mass-dependent cross-section upper limits are in the range 2-4 fb (at 95% CL) for masses between 124 and 309 GeV/c$^2$.
This letter of intent proposes an experiment to search for an electric dipole moment of the muon based on the frozen-spin technique. We intend to exploit the high electric field, $E=1{rm GV/m}$, experienced in the rest frame of the muon with a moment um of $p=125 {rm MeV/}c$ when passing through a large magnetic field of $|vec{B}|=3{rm T}$. Current muon fluxes at the $mu$E1 beam line permit an improved search with a sensitivity of $sigma(d_mu)leq 6times10^{-23}e{rm cm}$, about three orders of magnitude more sensitivity than for the current upper limit of $|d_mu|leq1.8times10^{-19}e{rm cm}$,(C.L. 95%). With the advent of the new high intensity muon beam, HIMB, and the cold muon source, muCool, at PSI the sensitivity of the search could be further improved by tailoring a re-acceleration scheme to match the experiments injection phase space. While a null result would set a significantly improved upper limit on an otherwise un-constrained Wilson coefficient, the discovery of a muon EDM would corroborate the existence of physics beyond the Standard Model.
205 - Mathilde Fouche 2008
In this paper, we present the final results of our experiment on photon-axion oscillations in the presence of a magnetic field, which took place at LULI (Laboratoire pour lUtilisation des Lasers Intenses, Palaiseau, France). Our null measurement allo wed us to exclude the existence of axions with inverse coupling constant $M>9.times 10^5$ GeV for low axion masses and to improve the preceding BFRT limits by a factor 3 or more for axion masses $1.1 {meV} <m_a<2.6 {meV}$. We also show that our experimental results improve the existing limits on the parameters of a low mass hidden-sector boson usually dubbed paraphoton because of its similarity with the usual photon.
The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment searches for pseudoscalar and scalar axion-like particles by the method of Light Shining Through a Wall, based on the assumption that these weakly interacting sub-eV particles couple to two photons to give ris e to quantum oscillations with optical photons in strong magnetic field. No excess of events has been observed, which constrains the di-photon coupling strength of both pseudoscalar and scalar particles down to $5.7 cdot 10^{-8}$ GeV$^{-1}$ in the massless limit. This result is the most stringent constraint on the di-photon coupling strength ever achieved in laboratory experiments.
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