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Waiting and Residence Times of Brownian Interface Fluctuations

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 نشر من قبل Volkert de Villeneuve
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report on the residence times of capillary waves above a given height $h$ and on the typical waiting time in between such fluctuations. The measurements were made on phase separated colloid-polymer systems by laser scanning confocal microscopy. Due to the Brownian character of the process, the stochastics vary with the chosen measurement interval $Delta t$. In experiments, the discrete scanning times are a practical cutoff and we are able to measure the waiting time as a function of this cutoff. The measurement interval dependence of the observed waiting and residence times turns out to be solely determined by the time dependent height-height correlation function $g(t)$. We find excellent agreement with the theory presented here along with the experiments.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider the motion of an active Brownian particle with speed fluctuations in d-dimensions in the presence of both translational and orientational diffusion. We use an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process for active speed generation. Using a Laplace transfo rm approach, we describe and use a Fokker-Planck equation-based method to evaluate the exact time dependence of all relevant dynamical moments. We present explicit calculations of such moments and compare our analytical predictions against numerical simulations to demonstrate and analyze several dynamical crossovers. The kurtosis of displacement shows positive or negative deviations from a Gaussian behavior at intermediate times depending on the dominance of speed or orientational fluctuations.
We determine the nonlocal stress autocorrelation tensor in an homogeneous and isotropic system of interacting Brownian particles starting from the Smoluchowski equation of the configurational probability density. In order to relate stresses to partic le displacements as appropriate in viscoelastic states, we go beyond the usual hydrodynamic description obtained in the Zwanzig-Mori projection operator formalism by introducing the proper irreducible dynamics following Cichocki and Hess, and Kawasaki. Differently from these authors, we include transverse contributions as well. This recovers the expression for the stress autocorrelation including the elastic terms in solid states as found for Newtonian and Langevin systems, in case that those are evaluated in the overdamped limit. Finally, we argue that the found memory function reduces to the shear and bulk viscosity in the hydrodynamic limit of smooth and slow fluctuations and derive the corresponding hydrodynamic equations.
The ``Brownian bees model describes an ensemble of $N$ independent branching Brownian particles. When a particle branches into two particles, the particle farthest from the origin is eliminated so as to keep a constant number of particles. In the lim it of $Nto infty$, the spatial density of the particles is governed by the solution of a free boundary problem for a reaction-diffusion equation. At long times the particle density approaches a spherically symmetric steady state solution with a compact support. Here we study fluctuations of the ``swarm of bees due to the random character of the branching Brownian motion in the limit of large but finite $N$. We consider a one-dimensional setting and focus on two fluctuating quantities: the swarm center of mass $X(t)$ and the swarm radius $ell(t)$. Linearizing a pertinent Langevin equation around the deterministic steady state solution, we calculate the two-time covariances of $X(t)$ and $ell(t)$. The variance of $X(t)$ directly follows from the covariance of $X(t)$, and it scales as $1/N$ as to be expected from the law of large numbers. The variance of $ell(t)$ behaves differently: it exhibits an anomalous scaling $ln N/N$. This anomaly appears because all spatial scales, including a narrow region near the edges of the swarm where only a few particles are present, give a significant contribution to the variance. We argue that the variance of $ell(t)$ can be obtained from the covariance of $ell(t)$ by introducing a cutoff at the microscopic time $1/N$ where the continuum Langevin description breaks down. Our theoretical predictions are in good agreement with Monte-Carlo simulations of the microscopic model. Generalizations to higher dimensions are briefly discussed.
In the context of stochastic thermodynamics, a minimal model for non equilibrium steady states has been recently proposed: the Brownian Gyrator (BG). It describes the stochastic overdamped motion of a particle in a two dimensional harmonic potential, as in the classic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, but considering the simultaneous presence of two independent thermal baths. When the two baths have different temperatures, the steady BG exhibits a rotating current, a clear signature of non equilibrium dynamics. Here, we consider a time-dependent potential, and we apply a reverse-engineering approach to derive exactly the required protocol to switch from an initial steady state to a final steady state in a finite time $tau$. The protocol can be built by first choosing an arbitrary quasi-static counterpart - with few constraints - and then adding a finite-time contribution which only depends upon the chosen quasi-static form and which is of order $1/tau$. We also get a condition for transformations which - in finite time - conserve internal energy, useful for applications such as the design of microscopic thermal engines. Our study extends finite-time stochastic thermodynamics to transformations connecting non-equilibrium steady states.
Active Brownian particles (ABPs) and Run-and-Tumble particles (RTPs) both self-propel at fixed speed $v$ along a body-axis ${bf u}$ that reorients either through slow angular diffusion (ABPs) or sudden complete randomisation (RTPs). We compare the ph ysics of these two model systems both at microscopic and macroscopic scales. Using exact results for their steady-state distribution in the presence of external potentials, we show that they both admit the same effective equilibrium regime perturbatively that breaks down for stronger external potentials, in a model-dependent way. In the presence of collisional repulsions such particles slow down at high density: their propulsive effort is unchanged, but their average speed along ${bf u}$ becomes $v(rho) < v$. A fruitful avenue is then to construct a mean-field description in which particles are ghost-like and have no collisions, but swim at a variable speed $v$ that is an explicit function or functional of the density $rho$. We give numerical evidence that the recently shown equivalence of the fluctuating hydrodynamics of ABPs and RTPs in this case, which we detail here, extends to microscopic models of ABPs and RTPs interacting with repulsive forces.
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