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Cosmology, Thermodynamics and Matter Creation

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 نشر من قبل Jose Ademir Sales Lima
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Several approaches to the matter creation problem in the context of cosmological models are summarily reviewed. A covariant formulation of the general relativistic imperfect simple fluid endowed with a process of matter creation is presented. By considering the standard big bang model, it is shown how the recent results of Prigogine et alii cite{1} can be recovered and, at the same time their limits of validity are explicited.

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We investigate the creation of cold dark matter (CCDM) cosmology as an alternative to explain the cosmic acceleration. Particular attention is given to the evolution of density perturbations and constraints coming from recent observations. By assumin g negligible effective sound speed we compare CCDM predictions with redshift-space-distortion based f(z) sigma_8(z) measurements. We identify a subtle issue associated with which contribution in the density contrast should be used in this test and then show that the CCDM results are the same as those obtained with LambdaCDM. These results are then contrasted with the ones obtained at the background level. For the background tests we have used type Ia supernovae data (Union 2.1 compilation) in combination with baryonic acoustic oscillations and cosmic microwave background observations and also measurements of the Hubble parameter at different redshifts. As a consequence of the studies we have performed at both the background and perturbation levels, we explicitly show that CCDM is observationally degenerate with respect to LambdaCDM (dark degeneracy). The need to overcome the lack of a fundamental microscopic basis for the CCDM is the major challenge for this kind of model.
We consider a simple cosmological model in order to show the importance of unstable particle creation for the validity of the semiclassical approximation. Using the mathematical structure of rigged Hilbert spaces we show that particle creation is the seed of decoherence which enables the quantum to classical transition.
Active matter, comprising many active agents interacting and moving in fluids or more complex environments, is a commonly occurring state of matter in biological and physical systems. By its very nature active matter systems exist in nonequilibrium s tates. In this paper the active agents are small Janus colloidal particles that use chemical energy provided by chemical reactions occurring on their surfaces for propulsion through a diffusiophoretic mechanism. As a result of interactions among these colloids, either directly or through fluid velocity and concentration fields, they may act collectively to form structures such as dynamic clusters. A general nonequilibrium thermodynamics framework for the description of such systems is presented that accounts for both self-diffusiophoresis and diffusiophoresis due to external concentration gradients, and is consistent with microreversibility. It predicts the existence of a reciprocal effect of diffusiophoresis back onto the reaction rate for the entire collection of colloids in the system, as well as the existence of a clustering instability that leads to nonequilibrium inhomogeneous system states.
Every society has a story rooted in its most ancient traditions, of how the earth and sky originated. Most of these stories attribute the origin of all things to a Creator - whether God, Element or Idea. We first recall that in the Western world all discussions of the origin of the world were dominated until the 18th century by the story of Genesis, which describes the Creation as an ordered process that took seven days. Then we show how the development of mechanistic theories in the 18th century meant that the idea of an organized Creation gave way to the concept of evolution, helped by the fact that in the 19th century astrophysicists discovered that stars had their origin in clouds of gas. We conclude with Big bang theory, conceived at the beginning of the 20th century, that was subsequently developed into a more or less complete account of the history of the cosmos, from the supposed birth of space, time and matter out of the quantum vacuum until the emergence of life (at least on our planet Earth, and much probably elsewhere) and beyond.
We present modified cosmological scenarios that arise from the application of the gravity-thermodynamics conjecture, using the Barrow entropy instead of the usual Bekenstein-Hawking one. The former is a modification of the black hole entropy due to q uantum-gravitational effects that deform the black-hole horizon by giving it an intricate, fractal structure. We extract modified cosmological equations which contain new extra terms that constitute an effective dark-energy sector, and which coincide with the usual Friedmann equations in the case where the new Barrow exponent acquires its Bekenstein-Hawking value. We present analytical expressions for the evolution of the effective dark energy density parameter, and we show that the universe undergoes through the usual matter and dark-energy epochs. Additionally, the dark-energy equation-of-state parameter is affected by the value of the Barrow deformation exponent and it can lie in the quintessence or phantom regime, or experience the phantom-divide crossing. Finally, at asymptotically large times the universe always results in the de-Sitter solution.
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