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Phase transitions in higher derivative gravity and gauge theory: R-charged black holes

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 نشر من قبل Tanay Dey Kumar
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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This is a continuation of our earlier work where we constructed a phenomenologically motivated effective action of the boundary gauge theory at finite temperature and finite gauge coupling on $S^3 times S^1$. In this paper, we argue that this effective action qualitatively reproduces the gauge theory representing various bulk phases of R-charged black hole with Gauss-Bonnet correction. We analyze the system both in canonical and grand canonical ensemble.

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After reviewing the thermodynamics and critical phenomena associated with AdS black holes carrying multiple R-charges in various dimensions, we do a Bragg-Williams like analysis of the systems around its critical points. This leads us to propose an e ffective potential governing the equilibrium properties of the boundary gauge theory. We also study certain non-equilibrium phenomena associated with these gauge theories. In particular, we compute the conductivities and diffusion coefficients for theories with multiple R-charges in four, three and six dimensions.
We study N =4 super Yang-Mills theories on a three sphere with two kinds of chemical potentials. One is associated with the R-symmetry and the other with the rotational symmetry of S^3 (SO(4) symmetry). These correspond to the charged Kerr-AdS black holes via AdS/CFT. The exact partition functions at zero coupling are computed and the thermodynamical properties are studied. We find a nontrivial gap between the confinement/deconfinement transition line and the boundary of the phase diagram when we include more than four chemical potentials. In the dual gravity, we find such a gap in the phase diagram to study the thermodynamics of the charged Kerr-AdS black hole. This shows that the qualitative phase structures agree between the both sides. We also find that the ratio of the thermodynamical quantities is almost well-known factor 3/4 even at the low temperature.
Invoking increasingly higher dimension operators to encode novel UV physics in effective gauge and gravity theories traditionally means working with increasingly more finicky and difficult expressions. We demonstrate that local higher derivative supe rsymmetric-compatible operators at four-points can be absorbed into simpler higher-derivative corrections to scalar theories, which generate the predictions of Yang-Mills and Gravity operators by suitable replacements of color-weights with color-dual kinematic weights as per Bern-Carrasco-Johansson double-copy. We exploit that Jacobi-satisfying representations can be composed out of other Jacobi-satisfying representations, and show that at four-points only a small number of building blocks are required to generate the predictions of higher-derivative operators. We find that this construction saturates the higher-derivative operators contributing to the four-point supersymmetric open and closed-string tree amplitudes, presenting a novel representation of the four-point supersymmetric open string making this structure manifest, as well as identifying the only four additional gauge-invariant building blocks required to saturate the four-point bosonic open string.
We investigate phase transitions and critical phenomena of four dimensional dyonic charged AdS black holes in the framework of thermodynamic geometry. In a mixed canonical grand canonical ensemble with a fixed electric charge and varying magnetic cha rge these black holes exhibit liquid gas like first order phase transition culminating in a second order critical point similar to the Van der Waals gas. We show that the thermodynamic scalar curvature R for these black holes follow our proposed geometrical characterization of the R-crossing Method for the first order liquid gas like phase transition and exhibits a divergence at the second order critical point. The pattern of R crossing and divergence exactly corresponds to those of a Van der Waals gas described by us in an earlier work.
We use conformal supergravity techniques to study four-derivative corrections in four-dimensional gauged supergravity. We show that the four-derivative Lagrangian for the propagating degrees of freedom of the $mathcal{N}=2$ gravity multiplet is deter mined by two real dimensionless constants. We demonstrate that all solutions of the two-derivative equations of motion in the supergravity theory also solve the four-derivative equations of motion. These results are then applied to explicitly calculate the regularized on-shell action for any asymptotically locally AdS$_4$ solution of the two-derivative equations of motion. The four-derivative terms in the supergravity Lagrangian modify the entropy and other thermodynamic observables for the black hole solutions of the theory. We calculate these corrections explicitly and demonstrate that the quantum statistical relation holds for general stationary black holes in the presence of the four-derivative corrections. Employing an embedding of this supergravity model in M-theory we show how to use supersymmetric localization results in the holographically dual three-dimensional SCFT to determine the unknown coefficients in the four-derivative supergravity action. This in turn leads to new detailed results for the first subleading $N^{frac{1}{2}}$ correction to the large $N$ partition function of a class of three-dimensional SCFTs on compact Euclidean manifolds. In addition, we calculate explicitly the first subleading correction to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of asymptotically AdS$_4$ black holes in M-theory. We also discuss how to add matter multiplets to the supergravity theory in the presence of four-derivative terms and to generalize some of these results to six- and higher-derivative supergravity.
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