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Robust state preparation of a single trapped ion by adiabatic passage

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 نشر من قبل Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report adiabatic passage experiments with a single trapped $^{40}$Ca$^+$ ion. By applying a frequency chirped laser pulse with a Gaussian amplitude envelope we reach a transfer efficiency of 0.990(10) on an optical transition from the electronic ground state S$_{1/2}$ to the metastable state D$_{5/2}$. This transfer method is shown to be insensitive to the accurate setting of laser parameters, and therefore is suitable as a robust tool for ion based quantum computing.

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اقرأ أيضاً

144 - Le-Man Kuang , Hao-Sheng Zeng , 2000
We present a nonlinear decoherence model which models decoherence effect caused by various decohereing sources in a quantum system through a nonlinear coupling between the system and its environment, and apply it to investigating decoherence in noncl assical motional states of a single trapped ion. We obtain an exactly analytic solution of the model and find very good agreement with experimental results for the population decay rate of a single trapped ion observed in the NIST experiments by Meekhof and coworkers (D. M. Meekhof, {it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 76}, 1796 (1996)).
356 - Yanwen Wu , I.M. Piper , M. Ediger 2010
Preparation of a specific quantum state is a required step for a variety of proposed practical uses of quantum dynamics. We report an experimental demonstration of optical quantum state preparation in a semiconductor quantum dot with electrical reado ut, which contrasts with earlier work based on Rabi flopping in that the method is robust with respect to variation in the optical coupling. We use adiabatic rapid passage, which is capable of inverting single dots to a specified upper level. We demonstrate that when the pulse power exceeds a threshold for inversion, the final state is independent of power. This provides a new tool for preparing quantum states in semiconductor dots and has a wide range of potential uses.
The energy states in semiconductor quantum dots are discrete as in atoms, and quantum states can be coherently controlled with resonant laser pulses. Long coherence times allow the observation of Rabi-flopping of a single dipole transition in a solid state device, for which occupancy of the upper state depends sensitively on the dipole moment and the excitation laser power. We report on the robust preparation of a quantum state using an optical technique that exploits rapid adiabatic passage from the ground to an excited state through excitation with laser pulses whose frequency is swept through the resonance. This observation in photoluminescence experiments is made possible by introducing a novel optical detection scheme for the resonant electron hole pair (exciton) generation.
We show that with adiabatic passage, one can reliably drive two-photon optical transitions between the ground states and interacting Rydberg states in a pair of atoms. For finite Rydberg interaction strengths a new adiabatic pathway towards the doubl y Rydberg excited state is identified when a constant detuning is applied with respect to an intermediate optically excited level. The Rydberg interaction among the excited atoms provides a phase that may be used to implement quantum gate operations on atomic ground state qubits.
We theoretically investigate the properties of a double-well bosonic Josephson junction coupled to a single trapped ion. We find that the coupling between the wells can be controlled by the internal state of the ion, which can be used for studying me soscopic entanglement between the two systems and to measure their interaction with high precision. As a particular example we consider a single $^{87}$Rb atom and a small Bose-Einstein condensate controlled by a single $^{171}$Yb$^+$ ion. We calculate inter-well coupling rates reaching hundreds of Hz, while the state dependence amounts to tens of Hz for plausible values of the currently unknown s-wave scattering length between the atom and the ion. The analysis shows that it is possible to induce either the self-trapping or the tunneling regime, depending on the internal state of the ion. This enables the generation of large scale ion-atomic wavepacket entanglement within current technology.
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