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Mapping tori of free group automorphisms are coherent

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 نشر من قبل Mark Feighn
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The mapping torus of an endomorphism Phi of a group G is the HNN-extension G*_G with bonding maps the identity and Phi. We show that a mapping torus of an injective free group endomorphism has the property that its finitely generated subgroups are finitely presented and, moreover, these subgroups are of finite type.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

For a fully irreducible automorphism phi of the free group F_k we compute the asymptotics of the intersection number n mapsto i(T,Tphi^n) for trees T,T in Outer space. We also obtain qualitative information about the geometry of the Guirardel core for the trees T and Tphi^n for n large.
265 - Michael Handel , Lee Mosher 2014
We study the loxodromic elements for the action of $Out(F_n)$ on the free splitting complex of the rank $n$ free group $F_n$. We prove that each outer automorphism is either loxodromic, or has bounded orbits without any periodic point, or has a perio dic point; and we prove that all three possibilities can occur. We also prove that two loxodromic elements are either co-axial or independent, meaning that their attracting/repelling fixed point pairs on the Gromov boundary of the free splitting complex are either equal or disjoint as sets. Each of the alternatives in these results is also characterized in terms of the attracting/repelling lamination pairs of an outer automorphism. As an application, each attracting lamination determines its corresponding repelling lamination independent of the outer automorphism. As part of this study we describe the structure of the subgroup of $Out(F_n)$ that stabilizes the fixed point pair of a given loxodromic outer automorphism, and we give examples which show that this subgroup need not be virtually cyclic. As an application, the action of $Out(F_n)$ on the free splitting complex is not acylindrical, and its loxodromic elements do not all satisfy the WPD property of Bestvina and Fujiwara.
We continue our study of residual properties of mapping tori of free group endomorphisms. In this paper, we prove that each of these groups are virtually residually (finite $p$)-groups for all but finitely many primes$p$. The method involves further studies of polynomial maps over finite fields and $p$-adic completions of number fields.
Let $q$ be a prime, $n$ a positive integer and $A$ an elementary abelian group of order $q^r$ with $rgeq2$ acting on a finite $q$-group $G$. The following results are proved. We show that if all elements in $gamma_{r-1}(C_G(a))$ are $n$-Engel in $G $ for any $ain A^#$, then $gamma_{r-1}(G)$ is $k$-Engel for some ${n,q,r}$-bounded number $k$, and if, for some integer $d$ such that $2^dleq r-1$, all elements in the $d$th derived group of $C_G(a)$ are $n$-Engel in $G$ for any $ain A^#$, then the $d$th derived group $G^{(d)}$ is $k$-Engel for some ${n,q,r}$-bounded number $k$. Assuming $rgeq 3$ we prove that if all elements in $gamma_{r-2}(C_G(a))$ are $n$-Engel in $C_G(a)$ for any $ain A^#$, then $gamma_{r-2}(G)$ is $k$-Engel for some ${n,q,r}$-bounded number $k$, and if, for some integer $d$ such that $2^dleq r-2$, all elements in the $d$th derived group of $C_G(a)$ are $n$-Engel in $C_G(a)$ for any $ain A^#,$ then the $d$th derived group $G^{(d)}$ is $k$-Engel for some ${n,q,r}$-bounded number $k$. Analogue (non-quantitative) results for profinite groups are also obtained.
We produce a sequence of markings $S_k$ of Thompsons group $F$ within the space ${mathcal G}_n$ of all marked $n$-generator groups so that the sequence $(F,S_k)$ converges to the free group on $n$ generators, for $n geq 3$. In addition, we give prese ntations for the limits of some other natural (convergent) sequences of markings to consider on $F$ within ${mathcal G}_3$, including $(F,{x_0,x_1,x_n})$ and $(F,{x_0,x_1,x_0^n})$.
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