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Periodicity of hyperplane arrangements with integral coefficients modulo positive integers

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 نشر من قبل Hiroaki Terao
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
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We study central hyperplane arrangements with integral coefficients modulo positive integers $q$. We prove that the cardinality of the complement of the hyperplanes is a quasi-polynomial in two ways, first via the theory of elementary divisors and then via the theory of the Ehrhart quasi-polynomials. This result is useful for determining the characteristic polynomial of the corresponding real arrangement. With the former approach, we also prove that intersection lattices modulo $q$ are periodic except for a finite number of $q$s.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

An integral coefficient matrix determines an integral arrangement of hyperplanes in R^m. After modulo q reduction, the same matrix determines an arrangement A_q of hyperplanes in Z^m. In the special case of central arrangements, Kamiya, Takemura and Terao [J. Algebraic Combin., to appear] showed that the cardinality of the complement of A_q in Z_q^m is a quasi-polynomial in q. Moreover, they proved in the central case that the intersection lattice of A_q is periodic from some q on. The present paper generalizes these results to the case of non-central arrangements. The paper also studies the arrangement B_m^{[0,a]} of Athanasiadis [J. Algebraic Combin. Vol.10 (1999), 207-225] to illustrate our results.
We introduce a new algorithm for enumerating chambers of hyperplane arrangements which exploits their underlying symmetry groups. Our algorithm counts the chambers of an arrangement as a byproduct of computing its characteristic polynomial. We showca se our julia implementation, based on OSCAR, on examples coming from hyperplane arrangements with applications to physics and computer science.
We study the combinatorics of hyperplane arrangements over arbitrary fields. Specifically, we determine in which situation an arrangement and its reduction modulo a prime number have isomorphic lattices via the use of minimal strong $sigma$-Grobner b ases. Moreover, we prove that the Teraos conjecture over finite fields implies the conjecture over the rationals.
In this article, we study the weak and strong Lefschetz properties, and the related notion of almost revlex ideal, in the non-Artinian case, proving that several results known in the Artinian case hold also in this more general setting. We then apply the obtained results to the study of the Jacobian algebra of hyperplane arrangements.
131 - Jaeho Shin 2019
There is a trinity relationship between hyperplane arrangements, matroids and convex polytopes. We expand it as resolving the complexity issue expected by Mnevs universality theorem and conduct combinatorializing so the theory over fields becomes rea lization of our combinatorial theory. A main theorem is that for n less than or equal to 9 a specific and general enough kind of matroid tilings in the hypersimplex Delta(3,n) extend to matroid subdivisions of Delta(3,n) with the bound n=9 sharp. As a straightforward application to realizable cases, we solve an open problem in algebraic geometry proposed in 2008.
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