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The Van den Bergh duality and the modular symmetry of a Poisson variety

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 نشر من قبل Vasiliy Dolgushev
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Vasiliy Dolgushev

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We consider a smooth Poisson affine variety with the trivial canonical bundle over complex numbers. For such a variety the deformation quantization algebra A_h enjoys the conditions of the Van den Bergh duality theorem and the corresponding dualizing module is determined by an outer automorphism of A_h intrinsic to A_h. We show how this automorphism can be expressed in terms of the modular class of the corresponding Poisson variety. We also prove that the Van den Bergh dualizing module of the deformation quantization algebra A_h is free if and only if the corresponding Poisson structure is unimodular.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The formality theorem for Hochschild chains of the algebra of functions on a smooth manifold gives us a version of the trace density map from the zeroth Hochschild homology of a deformation quantization algebra to the zeroth Poisson homology. We prop ose a version of the algebraic index theorem for a Poisson manifold which is based on this trace density map.
70 - F. Bonechi 2002
We define even dimensional quantum spheres Sigma_q^2n that generalize to higher dimension the standard quantum two-sphere of Podles and the four-sphere Sigma_q^4 obtained in the quantization of the Hopf bundle. The construction relies on an iterated Poisson double suspension of the standard Podles two-sphere. The Poisson spheres that we get have the same symplectic foliation consisting of a degenerate point and a symplectic plane and, after quantization, have the same C^*-algebraic completion. We investigate their K-homology and K-theory by introducing Fredholm modules and projectors.
We investigate the kernel space of an integral operator M(g) depending on the spin g and describing an elliptic Fourier transformation. The operator M(g) is an intertwiner for the elliptic modular double formed from a pair of Sklyanin algebras with t he parameters $eta$ and $tau$, Im$ tau>0$, Im$eta>0$. For two-dimensional lattices $g=neta + mtau/2$ and $g=1/2+neta + mtau/2$ with incommensurate $1, 2eta,tau$ and integers $n,m>0$, the operator M(g) has a finite-dimensional kernel that consists of the products of theta functions with two different modular parameters and is invariant under the action of generators of the elliptic modular double.
196 - AM Semikhatov 2009
For a Hopf algebra B, we endow the Heisenberg double H(B^*) with the structure of a module algebra over the Drinfeld double D(B). Based on this property, we propose that H(B^*) is to be the counterpart of the algebra of fields on the quantum-group si de of the Kazhdan--Lusztig duality between logarithmic conformal field theories and quantum groups. As an example, we work out the case where B is the Taft Hopf algebra related to the U_qsl(2) quantum group that is Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual to (p,1) logarithmic conformal models. The corresponding pair (D(B),H(B^*)) is truncated to (U_qsl(2),H_qsl(2)), where H_qsl(2) is a U_qsl(2) module algebra that turns out to have the form H_qsl(2)=oC_q[z,d]tensor C[lambda]/(lambda^{2p}-1), where C_q[z,d] is the U_qsl(2)-module algebra with the relations z^p=0, d^p=0, and d z = q-q^{-1} + q^{-2} zd.
Proofs of Tsygans formality conjectures for chains would unlock important algebraic tools which might lead to new generalizations of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem and the Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch theorem. Despite this pivotal role in the trad itional investigations and the efforts of various people the most general version of Tsygans formality conjecture has not yet been proven. In my thesis I propose Fedosov resolutions for the Hochschild cohomological and homological complexes of the algebra of functions on an arbitrary smooth manifold. Using these resolutions together with Kontsevichs formality quasi-isomorphism for Hochschild cochains of R[[y_1, >..., y_d]] and Shoikhets formality quasi-isomorphism for Hochschild chains of R[[y_1,..., y_d]] I prove Tsygans formality conjecture for Hochschild chains of the algebra of functions on an arbitrary smooth manifold. The construction of the formality quasi-isomorphism for Hochschild chains is manifestly functorial for isomorphisms of the pairs (M, abla), where M is the manifold and abla is an affine connection on the tangent bundle. In my thesis I apply these results to equivariant quantization, computation of Hochschild homology of quantum algebras and description of traces in deformation quantization.
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